2003 - Fullmetal Alchemist
The search for the Philosopher's stone continues!
Original title: 鋼の錬金術師
Edward e Alphonse Elric são dois irmãos dotados da capacidade da alquimia, a ciência de pegar uma coisa e transformá-la em outra. No entanto, a alquimia trabalha com a teoria da troca equivalente - para que algo seja criado, algo mais de igual valor deve ser sacrificado. Quando a mãe deles morre, Edward decide fazer o impensável - trazendo-a de volta à vida quebrando um dos maiores tabus da Alquimia e realizando Alquimia Humana. Pensando que eles não têm mais nada a perder, ele e Alphonse tentam - mas algo dá terrivelmente errado. No processo, Alphonse perde seu corpo e Edward perde a perna. Ed consegue salvar Al anexando seu espírito a uma armadura, mas ao custo de seu braço e perna. themoviedb
Endereços Úteis
Fullmetal Alchemist subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Aqueles que Desafiam o Sol
S01E02 Corpos Condenados
S01E03 Mãe
S01E04 Transmutação do Amor
S01E05 O Garoto do Braço de Aço
S01E06 Teste de Qualificação para Alquimista Federal
S01E07 O Lamento da Quimera
S01E08 A Pedra Filosofal
S01E09 Relógio de Prata: O Símbolo do Cão do Exército
S01E10 Siren, a Ladra
S01E11 A Água Vermelha, Parte 1
S01E12 A Água Vermelha, Parte 2
S01E13 Aço Contra Chamas
S01E14 A Mão Direita da Destruição
S01E15 O Massacre de Ishbal
S01E16 Aquilo que Foi Perdido
S01E17 A Casa Onde a Família Espera
S01E18 As Anotações de Marcoh
S01E19 Nas Profundezas da Verdade
S01E20 A Alma do Guardião
S01E21 O Brilho Vermelho
S01E22 Seres Humanos Criados
S01E23 Coração de Aço
S01E24 Lembranças Fixadas
S01E25 Cerimônia de Despedida
S01E26 O Motivo da Garota
S01E27 Professora
S01E28 Tudo é Um, e Um é Tudo
S01E29 A Criança Pura
S01E30 Ataque ao Quartel-general do Sul
S01E31 O Pecado
S01E32 Dante da Floresta Profunda
S01E33 Al Capturado
S01E34 A Teoria da Cobiça
S01E35 O Reecontro dos Tolos
S01E36 O Pecador Dentro de Nós
S01E37 O Alquimista das Chamas, o Tenente Lutador e o Mistério do Décimo Terceiro Armazém
S01E38 Com a Correnteza do Rio
S01E39 A Guerra Civil do Leste
S01E40 A Cicatriz
S01E41 A Mãe Santa
S01E42 Seu Nome é Desconhecido
S01E43 A Fuga do Cão Vira-latas
S01E44 Hohenheim da Luz
S01E45 A Corrupção da Alma
S01E46 Transmutação Humana
S01E47 Selando os Homúnculos
S01E48 Adeus
S01E49 O Outro Lado da Porta
S01E50 Morte
S01E51 Leis e Promessas
Fullmetal Alchemist - S01E11 A Água Vermelha, Parte 1 Episode 11 - Earth of Gravel, Part 1 0% 100 0 almost 5 years
Episode 11 - Earth of Gravel_ Part 1Episode 11 - Earth of Gravel_ Part 1Fullmetal Alchemist - S01E40 The Scar Episode 40 - Scars 0% 78 0 almost 5 years
Episode 40 - ScarsEpisode 40 - ScarsFullmetal Alchemist - S01E01 Those Who Challenge the Sun Episode 01 - He Who Would Challenge the Sun 0% 227 0 almost 5 years
Episode 01 - He Who Would Challenge the SunEpisode 01 - He Who Would Challenge the SunFullmetal Alchemist - S01E02 Body of the Sanctioned Episode 02 - Body of the Sanctioned 0% 143 0 almost 5 years
Episode 02 - Body of the SanctionedEpisode 02 - Body of the SanctionedFullmetal Alchemist - S01E03 Mãe Episode 03 - Mother 0% 136 0 almost 5 years
Episode 03 - MotherEpisode 03 - MotherFullmetal Alchemist - S01E47 Sealing the Homunculus Episode 47 - Sealing the Homunculus 0% 76 0 almost 5 years
Episode 47 - Sealing the HomunculusEpisode 47 - Sealing the HomunculusFullmetal Alchemist - S01E38 With the River's Flow Episode 38 - With the Rivers Flow 0% 73 0 almost 5 years
Episode 38 - With the Rivers FlowEpisode 38 - With the Rivers FlowFullmetal Alchemist - S01E06 The Alchemy Exam Episode 06 - The State Alchemist Certification Examination 0% 112 0 almost 5 years
Episode 06 - The State Alchemist Certification ExaminationEpisode 06 - The State Alchemist Certification ExaminationFullmetal Alchemist - S01E19 The Truth Behind Truths Episode 19 - Behind What Is Behind the Truths 0% 52 0 almost 5 years
Episode 19 - Behind What Is Behind the TruthsEpisode 19 - Behind What Is Behind the TruthsFullmetal Alchemist - S01E22 Created Human Episode 22 - Created People 0% 78 0 almost 5 years
Episode 22 - Created PeopleEpisode 22 - Created PeopleFullmetal Alchemist - S01E29 The Untainted Child Episode 29 - The Undefiled Child 0% 71 0 almost 5 years
Episode 29 - The Undefiled ChildEpisode 29 - The Undefiled ChildFullmetal Alchemist - S01E31 O Pecado Episode 31 - Sin 0% 78 0 almost 5 years
Episode 31 - SinEpisode 31 - Sin鋼之鍊金術師 - S01E25 離別的儀式 Episode 25 - Farewell Ceremonies 0% 75 0 almost 5 years
Episode 25 - Farewell CeremoniesEpisode 25 - Farewell CeremoniesFullmetal Alchemist - S01E13 Aço Contra Chamas Episode 13 - Flame vs. Fullmetal 0% 97 0 almost 5 years
Episode 13 - Flame vs. FullmetalEpisode 13 - Flame vs. FullmetalFullmetal Alchemist - S01E15 The Ishbal Massacre Episode 15 - The Ishbal Massacre 0% 83 0 almost 5 years
Episode 15 - The Ishbal MassacreEpisode 15 - The Ishbal MassacreFullmetal Alchemist - S01E08 The Philosopher's Stone Episode 08 - The Philosophers Stone 0% 83 0 almost 5 years
Episode 08 - The Philosophers StoneEpisode 08 - The Philosophers StoneFullmetal Alchemist - S01E17 House of the Waiting Family Episode 17 - House of the Waiting Family 0% 82 0 almost 5 years
Episode 17 - House of the Waiting FamilyEpisode 17 - House of the Waiting FamilyFullmetal Alchemist - S01E18 Marcoh's Notes Episode 18 - Marcohs Notes 0% 78 0 almost 5 years
Episode 18 - Marcohs NotesEpisode 18 - Marcohs NotesFullmetal Alchemist - S01E39 Secret of Ishbal Episode 39 - Civil War in the East 0% 79 0 almost 5 years
Episode 39 - Civil War in the EastEpisode 39 - Civil War in the EastFullmetal Alchemist - S01E35 Reunion of the Fallen Episode 35 - Reunion of Fools 0% 78 0 almost 5 years
Episode 35 - Reunion of FoolsEpisode 35 - Reunion of FoolsFullmetal Alchemist - S01E36 The Sinner Within Episode 36 - The Sinner Within 0% 75 0 almost 5 years
Episode 36 - The Sinner WithinEpisode 36 - The Sinner WithinFullmetal Alchemist - S01E51 Laws and Promises Episode 51 - Laws and Promises 0% 74 0 almost 5 years
Episode 51 - Laws and PromisesEpisode 51 - Laws and PromisesFullmetal Alchemist - S01E50 Death Episode 50 - Death 0% 72 0 almost 5 years
Episode 50 - DeathEpisode 50 - DeathFullmetal Alchemist - S01E33 Al, Captured Episode 33 - Al Taken Prisoner 0% 64 0 almost 5 years
Episode 33 - Al Taken PrisonerEpisode 33 - Al Taken Prisoner