2018 - 命運石之門0
Original title: シュタインズ・ゲート ゼロ
2010年11月、β世界線。這是岡部倫太郎沒能在7月28日救回牧瀬紅莉栖之後的故事……對於自己無法拯救紅莉栖而感到失意的岡部,以前往孔多利亞大學就讀為人生目標,展開日復一日的普通大學生活。某天,岡部在協助大學教授進行實驗時,認識了以往和紅莉栖同一組別的教授萊斯基寧及學姊比屋定真帆。得知他們正在研究將人類記憶輸入電腦並進行活用的全新系統「Amadeus」的岡部,在系統中遇見被輸入的紅莉栖記憶,因此掀起另一場風波…… themoviedb
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命運石之門0 subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 零化域的缺失之環
S01E02 閉時曲線的碑文
S01E03 雙對福音的協議
S01E04 亡失流轉的孤獨
S01E05 非點收差的孤獨
S01E06 軌道秩序的日蝕
S01E07 振電遷移的日蝕
S01E08 二律背反的對偶
S01E09 永劫回歸的潘多拉
S01E10 存在證明的潘多拉
S01E11 存在忘卻的潘多拉
S01E12 互相回歸的鵝媽媽
S01E13 回折敘唱的鵝媽媽
S01E14 彈性限界的認知
S01E15 漸近線的認知
S01E16 無限遠點的牽牛星
S01E17 雙曲平面的牽牛星
S01E18 並進對稱的牽牛星
S01E19 循環座標的牽牛星
S01E20 盟誓的文藝復興
S01E21 結像的文藝復興
S01E22 投企的文藝復興
S01E23 無限遠點的織女星 / 交叉座標的星辰
S01E24 OVA 結晶多形的情人節
Steins;Gate 0 - S01E23 Arclight of the Point at Infinity -Arc-light of the Sky- Steins;Gate.0.S01E23.[1080p.x264.AAC].[D3A19DA4] 0% 5 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E23. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [D3A19DA4]Steins;Gate.0.S01E23.[1080p.x264.AAC].[D3A19DA4]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E22 Rinascimento of Projection -Project Amadeus- Steins;Gate.0.S01E22.[1080p.x264.AAC].[91F7663A] 0% 2 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E22. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [91F7663A]Steins;Gate.0.S01E22.[1080p.x264.AAC].[91F7663A]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E21 Rinascimento of Image Formation -Return of Phoenix- Steins;Gate.0.S01E21.[1080p.x264.AAC].[71F0C696] 0% 6 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E21. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [71F0C696]Steins;Gate.0.S01E21.[1080p.x264.AAC].[71F0C696]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E20 Rinascimento of the Unwavering Promise -Promised Rinascimento- Steins;Gate.0.S01E20.[1080p.x264.AAC].[1863E5BB] 0% 5 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E20. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [1863E5BB]Steins;Gate.0.S01E20.[1080p.x264.AAC].[1863E5BB]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E19 Altair of the Cyclic Coordinate -Time-leap Machine- Steins;Gate.0.S01E19.[1080p.x264.AAC].[813BA82C] 0% 6 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E19. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [813BA82C]Steins;Gate.0.S01E19.[1080p.x264.AAC].[813BA82C]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E18 Altair of Translational Symmetry -Translational Symmetry- Steins;Gate.0.S01E18.[1080p.x264.AAC].[E20F6F03] 0% 4 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E18. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [E20F6F03]Steins;Gate.0.S01E18.[1080p.x264.AAC].[E20F6F03]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E17 Altair of the Hyperbolic Plane -Beltrami Pseudosphere- Steins;Gate.0.S01E17.[1080p.x264.AAC].[55A9DBE0] 0% 2 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E17. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [55A9DBE0]Steins;Gate.0.S01E17.[1080p.x264.AAC].[55A9DBE0]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E16 Altair of the Point at Infinity -Vega and Altair- Steins;Gate.0.S01E16.[1080p.x264.AAC].[C6148D54] 0% 5 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E16. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [C6148D54]Steins;Gate.0.S01E16.[1080p.x264.AAC].[C6148D54]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E15 Recognition of the Asymptotic Line -Recognize Asymptote- Steins;Gate.0.S01E15.[1080p.x264.AAC].[B38285AB] 0% 2 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E15. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [B38285AB]Steins;Gate.0.S01E15.[1080p.x264.AAC].[B38285AB]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E14 Recognition of the Elastic Limit -Presage or Recognize- Steins;Gate.0.S01E14.[1080p.x264.AAC].[BC38160E] 0% 2 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E14. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [BC38160E]Steins;Gate.0.S01E14.[1080p.x264.AAC].[BC38160E]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E13 Mother Goose of Diffractive Recitativo -Diffraction Mother Goose- Steins;Gate.0.S01E13.[1080p.x264.AAC].[97A6A4F9] 0% 4 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E13. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [97A6A4F9]Steins;Gate.0.S01E13.[1080p.x264.AAC].[97A6A4F9]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E12 Mother Goose of Mutual Recursion -Recursive Mother Goose- Steins;Gate.0.S01E12.[1080p.x264.AAC].[CA74B2B2] 0% 2 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E12. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [CA74B2B2]Steins;Gate.0.S01E12.[1080p.x264.AAC].[CA74B2B2]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E11 Pandora of Forgotten Existence -Sealed Reliquary- Steins;Gate.0.S01E11.[1080p.x264.AAC].[6F1EECBC] 0% 1 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E11. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [6F1EECBC]Steins;Gate.0.S01E11.[1080p.x264.AAC].[6F1EECBC]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E10 Pandora of Provable Existence -Forbidden Cubicle- Steins;Gate.0.S01E10.[1080p.x264.AAC].[68F59F5B] 0% 2 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E10. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [68F59F5B]Steins;Gate.0.S01E10.[1080p.x264.AAC].[68F59F5B]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E09 Pandora of Eternal Return -Pandora's Box- Steins;Gate.0.S01E09.[1080p.x264.AAC].[842B94B1] 0% 4 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E09. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [842B94B1]Steins;Gate.0.S01E09.[1080p.x264.AAC].[842B94B1]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E08 Dual of Antinomy -Antinomic Dual- Steins;Gate.0.S01E08.[1080p.x264.AAC].[5A4D7F5E] 0% 5 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E08. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [5A4D7F5E]Steins;Gate.0.S01E08.[1080p.x264.AAC].[5A4D7F5E]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E07 Eclipse de la transición vibrónica -Vibronic Transition- Steins;Gate.0.S01E07.[1080p.x264.AAC].[1BF64F36] 0% 5 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E07. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [1BF64F36]Steins;Gate.0.S01E07.[1080p.x264.AAC].[1BF64F36]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E06 Eclipse of Orbital Ordering -The Orbital Eclipse- Steins;Gate.0.S01E06.[1080p.x264.AAC].[9E86368F] 0% 4 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E06. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [9E86368F]Steins;Gate.0.S01E06.[1080p.x264.AAC].[9E86368F]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E05 Solitude of the Astigmatism -Entangled Sheep- Steins;Gate.0.S01E05.[1080p.x264.AAC].[4D5F6E3B] 0% 2 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E05. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [4D5F6E3B]Steins;Gate.0.S01E05.[1080p.x264.AAC].[4D5F6E3B]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E04 Solitude of the Mournful Flow -A Stray Sheep- Steins;Gate.0.S01E04.[1080p.x264.AAC].[B07331FA] 0% 2 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E04. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [B07331FA]Steins;Gate.0.S01E04.[1080p.x264.AAC].[B07331FA]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E03 Protocol of the Two-sided Gospel -X-day Protocol- Steins;Gate.0.S01E03.[1080p.x264.AAC].[39CD5147] 0% 2 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E03. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [39CD5147]Steins;Gate.0.S01E03.[1080p.x264.AAC].[39CD5147]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E02 Epigraph of the Closed Curve -Closed Epigraph- Steins;Gate.0.S01E02.[1080p.x264.AAC].[37EE86A5] 0% 4 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E02. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [37EE86A5]Steins;Gate.0.S01E02.[1080p.x264.AAC].[37EE86A5]Steins;Gate 0 - S01E01 Missing Link of the Annihilator -Absolute Zero- Steins;Gate.0.S01E01.[1080p.x264.AAC].[105D688D] 0% 2 0 9 個月
Steins;Gate. 0. S01E01. [1080p. x264. AAC]. [105D688D]Steins;Gate.0.S01E01.[1080p.x264.AAC].[105D688D]