2011 - 雙生情謎
When your life is a lie, can anything be real?
Original title: Ringer
本劇講述Bridget Kelly因為目擊一個人被殺,而過上躲躲閃閃的生活;雖然有FBI專員Victor Machado的保護,但是她的生活還是處處充滿危險;情急之下Bridget Kelly逃亡紐約,並和疏遠多年的孿生姐姐Siobhan Martin見面;Siobhan Martin嫁給了富裕的Andrew Martin,這樣的生活讓每天都生活在恐懼中的Bridget Kelly十分羨慕;當和姐妹一起去海邊玩,Bridget Kelly在船上小睡一下醒來後發現姐姐消失了,而且留下戒指;於是Bridget Kelly將自己變身成她姐姐,然而當有人在她姐姐的房間裡打算殺死Bridget的時候,Bridget才意識到姐姐的生活並沒有表面看起來那麼好;一天身在法國的Siobhan真身接起電話,一個男人說:Siobhan我們有麻煩了。 themoviedb
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雙生情謎 subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Pilot
S01E02 She's Ruining Everything
S01E03 If You Ever Want a French Lesson
S01E04 It's Gonna Kill Me, But I'll Do It
S01E05 A Whole New Kind of Bitch
S01E06 The Poor Kids Do It Every Day
S01E07 Oh Gawd, There's Two of Them?
S01E08 Maybe We Should Get a Dog Instead
S01E09 Shut Up and Eat Your Bologna
S01E10 That's What You Get for Trying to Kill Me
S01E11 It Just Got Normal
S01E12 What Are You Doing Here, Ho-Bag?
S01E13 It's Easy to Cry, When This Much Cash Is Involved
S01E14 Whores Don't Make That Much
S01E15 P.S.: You're An Idiot
S01E16 You're Way Too Pretty to Go to Jail
S01E17 What We Have is Worth the Pain
S01E18 That Woman's Never Been a Victim Her Entire Life
S01E19 Let's Kill Bridget
S01E20 If You're Just an Evil Bitch Then Get Over It
S01E21 It's Called Improvising, Bitch!
S01E22 I'm the Good Twin