2009 - 遠古外星人
Original title: Ancient Aliens
遠古外星人檢視7500萬年來年地球上最不可思議的外星人存在的證據。從恐龍時代到古埃及再一路到當今美國西部沙漠上的天空。描繪著奇怪生物的古老山洞壁畫,埃及金字塔中不知名生物遺骸所製成的瀝青狀物質,這些東西在美國不斷地被目擊到,而它們只是所有發現的冰山一角。 themoviedb
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遠古外星人 subtitles for episodes from season 18
S18E01 The Disclosure Event
S18E02 Mystery of the Standing Stones
S18E03 Beneath the Sacred Temples
S18E04 The World on Alert
S18E05 Recovering The Ark Of The Covenant
S18E06 Secrets Of The Star Ancestors
S18E07 Alien Air Force
S18E08 The Shadow People
S18E09 Decoding the Dragon Gods
S18E10 The Time Benders
S18E11 Ancient Aliens On Location: Incredible Structures
S18E12 Ancient Aliens On Location: Extraordinary Encounters
S18E13 Ancient Aliens on Location: The Alien Glyphs
S18E14 Ancient Aliens On Location: The UFO Investigations
S18E15 Ancient Aliens On Location: Mysterious Artifacts
S18E16 Ancient Aliens on Location: Evidence of Alien Life
S18E17 The Shining Ones
S18E18 The Journey to Immortality
S18E19 Secrets of Inner Earth
S18E20 Return of the Egyptian Gods