2008 - F檔案
Question the answers.
Original title: Fringe
本故事講述一個在美國國土安全局的監督下,一個以麻薩諸塞州波士頓為據點的聯邦調查局邊緣科學部的事蹟。該組以世界上所發生的不能說明事件的調查為目的,有時透過某些非主流科學為手法進行調查。 瓦特·畢夏在17年前,本來是一位參與美國尖端邊緣科學研究的科學家,但卻被指為有精神問題而被關進精神病院達17年。但17年後,因為多宗被指為與「規律計畫」(Pattern)相關連的案件,而被「請」出山協助研究及解讀。17年前瓦特·畢夏的研究同僚威廉·貝爾,後來創立了大型企業「巨實動力」(Massive Dynamic)公司(影射通用動力),並透過為右手手腕罹癌的妮娜·夏普換取其公司的義肢,成功把她招攬成為巨實動力的首席營運長(COO)。不過,巨實動力其實還有很多不為人所知的秘密,而不少曾經掌握過該公司的秘密的前僱員,都懷疑被與其相關的人員所殺,例如:後來自行創立了延續生命公司的總裁。 第二季結尾後劇情轉入平行世界,以奧莉薇亞·唐翰為首的團隊將聯合巨實動力,一起抵抗平行世界的陰謀。 themoviedb
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F檔案 subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Pilot
S01E02 The Same Old Story
S01E03 The Ghost Network
S01E04 The Arrival
S01E05 Power Hungry
S01E06 The Cure
S01E07 In Which We Meet Mr. Jones
S01E08 The Equation
S01E09 The Dreamscape
S01E10 Safe
S01E11 Bound
S01E12 The No-Brainer
S01E13 The Transformation
S01E14 Ability
S01E15 Inner Child
S01E16 Unleashed
S01E17 Bad Dreams
S01E18 Midnight
S01E19 The Road Not Taken
S01E20 There's More Than One of Everything
S02E01 A New Day in the Old Town
S02E02 Night of Desirable Objects
S02E03 Fracture
S02E04 Momentum Deferred
S02E05 Dream Logic
S02E06 Earthling
S02E07 Of Human Action
S02E08 August
S02E09 Snakehead
S02E10 Grey Matters
S02E11 Unearthed
S02E12 Johari Window
S02E13 What Lies Below
S02E14 The Bishop Revival
S02E15 Jacksonville
S02E16 Peter
S02E17 Olivia. In the Lab. With the Revolver.
S02E18 White Tulip
S02E19 The Man From The Other Side
S02E20 Brown Betty
S02E21 Northwest Passage
S02E22 Over There (1)
S02E23 Over There (2)
S03E01 Olivia
S03E02 The Box
S03E03 The Plateau
S03E04 Do Shapeshifters Dream of Electric Sheep?
S03E05 Amber 31422
S03E06 6955 kHz
S03E07 The Abducted
S03E08 Entrada
S03E09 Marionette
S03E10 The Firefly
S03E11 Reciprocity
S03E12 Concentrate and Ask Again
S03E13 Immortality
S03E14 6B
S03E15 Subject 13
S03E16 Os
S03E17 Stowaway
S03E18 Bloodline
S03E19 Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
S03E20 6:02 AM EST
S03E21 The Last Sam Weiss
S03E22 The Day We Died
S04E01 Neither Here Nor There
S04E02 One Night in October
S04E03 Alone in the World
S04E04 Subject 9
S04E05 Novation
S04E06 And Those We've Left Behind
S04E07 Wallflower
S04E08 Back to Where You've Never Been
S04E09 Enemy of My Enemy
S04E10 Forced Perspective
S04E11 Making Angels
S04E12 Welcome to Westfield
S04E13 A Better Human Being
S04E14 The End of All Things
S04E15 A Short Story About Love
S04E16 Nothing As It Seems
S04E17 Everything in Its Right Place
S04E18 The Consultant
S04E19 Letters of Transit
S04E20 Worlds Apart
S04E21 Brave New World (1)
S04E22 Brave New World (2)
S05E01 Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11
S05E02 In Absentia
S05E03 The Recordist
S05E04 The Bullet That Saved The World
S05E05 An Origin Story
S05E06 Through the Looking Glass and What Walter Found There
S05E07 Five-Twenty-Ten
S05E08 The Human Kind
S05E09 Black Blotter
S05E10 Anomaly XB-6783746
S05E11 The Boy Must Live
S05E12 Liberty
S05E13 An Enemy of Fate
Fringe - S05E04 La balle qui sauva le monde Fringe S05E04 720p HDTV X264-DIMENSION 0% 130 0 10 年多
Fringe S05E04 720p HDTV X264-DIMENSIONFringe S05E04 720p HDTV X264-DIMENSION