1999 - 遥远星际
My name is John Crichton, an astronaut. I'm just looking for a way home.
Original title: Farscape
浩瀚的太空,飞行员约翰突遇意外事件,被宇航船抛出,陷入一个奇异的星际轨道。他穿梭1000个星系到达了一个神秘的星球,那里漂浮着地球传说中遥远的“摩亚方舟”飞船,飞船里有来自不同星球的成员,他们都是无家可归的人。约翰决定加入他们,并带领大家寻找地球道路但他们不曾料到,众多 的外星人和外星生物早已对地球航线虎视耽耽。 在飞行过程中,“摩亚”遇到了“和平卫士”的追击,双方数次激战,在一次混战中,“和平卫士”首脑克瑞斯痛失弟弟,发誓要用尽一切手段将“摩亚”摧毁变成一屡轻烟与此同时,“摩亚”水晶能量器忽然失踪,约翰断定是内奸所为,决定展开锄奸行动......经过多次交锋,“摩亚”粉碎了克瑞斯阴谋,逃出生天。 因核反应堆动力装置破裂。“摩亚”降落在西卡行星上进行紧急维修。无意中,约翰发现了飞船上隐匿已久的危机和一个重大的阴谋...... 约翰经过一次次战斗的洗礼,逐渐成为一个真正的领袖,而“摩亚”也慢慢聚集了巨大的能量,击退了外星战舰的数次围攻,“摩亚”战士们一步步向地球前进......约翰终于找到了回地球的航线,并成功降落到地球,然而,此时的地球已不再是他们心目中理想的家园...... themoviedb
Interesting links
遥远星际 subtitles for episodes from season 3
S03E01 Season of Death
S03E02 Suns and Lovers
S03E03 Self-Inflicted Wounds - Could'a, Would'a, Should'a (1)
S03E04 Self-Inflicted Wounds - Wait for the Wheel (2)
S03E05 ...Different Destinations
S03E06 Eat Me
S03E07 Thanks for Sharing
S03E08 Green Eyed Monster
S03E09 Losing Time
S03E10 Relativity
S03E11 Incubator
S03E12 Meltdown
S03E13 Scratch 'n Sniff
S03E14 Infinite Possibilities - Daedalus Demands (1)
S03E15 Infinite Possibilities - Icarus Abides (2)
S03E16 Revenging Angel
S03E17 The Choice
S03E18 Fractures
S03E19 I-Yensch, You-Yensch
S03E20 Into the Lion's Den - Lambs to the Slaughter (1)
S03E21 Into the Lion's Den - Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (2)
S03E22 Dog with Two Bones