2018 - 星際大戰:抵抗勢力
Original title: Star Wars Resistance
時間段設在《絕地大反攻》的數十年後以及《原力覺醒》的六個月前,主角是受招募負責監視日益壯大成為威脅的第一軍團的抵抗組織飛行員Kazuda Xiono。 themoviedb
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星際大戰:抵抗勢力 subtitles for episodes from season 1
S01E01 The Recruit
S01E02 The Triple Dark
S01E03 Fuel for the Fire
S01E04 The High Tower
S01E05 The Children from Tehar
S01E06 Signal from Sector Six
S01E07 Synara's Score
S01E08 The Platform Classic
S01E09 Secrets and Holograms
S01E10 Station Theta Black
S01E11 Bibo
S01E12 Dangerous Business
S01E13 The Doza Dilemma
S01E14 The First Order Occupation
S01E15 The New Trooper
S01E16 The Core Problem
S01E17 The Disappeared
S01E18 Descent
S01E19 No Escape (1)
S01E20 No Escape (2)
S01E21 "Star Wars Resistance" The Observatory Part 1