2018 - 詭魅海妖
More. Are. Coming.
Original title: Siren
《詭魅海妖》講述美國布里斯托灣的一個海濱小鎮,當地盛傳著美人魚傳說,過去曾是美人魚的棲息地。一天,一名神秘女孩的到來讓傳說不證自明,她們即將奪回海洋,人類與海洋的大戰一觸即發! 《詭魅海妖》由《地球百子》製作人迪恩懷特(Dean White)主創,《七夜怪譚》艾力克斯羅(Alex Roe)飾演聰明的海洋生物學家班(Ben),深受《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》伊琳珀威爾(Eline Powell)飾演的神秘女孩琳(Ryn)所吸引。另一名《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》女星佛拉伊凡斯耶肯伯拉(Fola Evans-Akingbola)飾演班的同事曼蒂(Madden),懷疑的來歷並抱持戒心。 themoviedb
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詭魅海妖 subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Pilot
S01E02 The Lure
S01E03 Interview with a Mermaid
S01E04 On the Road
S01E05 Curse of the Starving Class
S01E06 Showdown
S01E07 Dead in the Water
S01E08 Being Human
S01E09 Street Fight
S01E10 Aftermath
S02E01 The Arrival
S02E02 The Wolf at the Door
S02E03 Natural Order
S02E04 Oil & Water
S02E05 Primal Instincts
S02E06 Distress Call
S02E07 Entrapment
S02E08 Leverage
S02E09 No North Star
S02E10 All In
S02E11 Mixed Signals
S02E12 Serenity
S02E13 The Outpost
S02E14 The Last Mermaid
S02E15 Sacrifice
S02E16 New World Order
S03E01 Borders
S03E02 Revelations
S03E03 Survivor
S03E04 Life and Death
S03E05 Mommy and Me
S03E06 The Island
S03E07 Northern Exposure
S03E08 ‘Til Death Do Us Part
S03E09 A Voice in the Dark
S03E10 The Toll of the Sea