1982 - 法国小馆儿
Original title: 'Allo 'Allo!
《'Allo 'Allo》是BBC在1980年代到90年代期间拍摄的一套著名电视喜剧系列片,从1982年到1992年在BBC电视台播放,共85集。 这部电视剧的背景是二战期间纳粹德国占领下的一个法国小村庄上,围绕着一家小餐馆写的故事。中心人物是咖啡馆老板René Artois。纳粹占领军抢劫了村子里所有的有价值的艺术品。 其中包括一幅号称是名家范•克洛普的油画《The Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies》。当地德军指挥官决定把这幅画归为己有,强迫Rene把画藏在他的咖啡馆里。可是,纳粹德国领袖希特勒也想得到这幅画,派了一个盖世太保军官前去寻找这幅画,而这个盖世太保也想自己猫腻这幅画。与此同时,出现了若干这幅油画的赝品。于是,一场场好戏和闹剧就这样展开了。 这部电视剧的另一条主线是两个被迫降落在该地的英国飞行员躲在René的咖啡馆里。当地全女性法国抵抗组织设法把这两位英国飞行员安全送回英国。但是,计划屡屡出漏子,也闹出了不少笑话。 似乎这一切还不够乱,René是个花心男人。跟咖啡馆里的两个女招待私下偷情,千方百计要瞒过自己的老婆。锦上添花,或雪上加霜的是,抵抗组织的女首领似乎爱上了René!另外,一个有点同性恋倾向的德国军官也看上了这位咖啡馆老板,总是向他暗送秋波。 《'Allo 'Allo》的情节错综复杂,笑料百出,而该剧最精彩的因素之一是它的语言。 在这部电视剧里,不仅有法国人、德国人、英国人,另外还有意大利人。如何解决语言问题呢?电视剧的制作人想出了绝妙的方法 – 所有角色都说英语,但是都带上浓重的本国口音。这些不同的角色,说着不同口音的英语,使得整出剧更加令人发笑和多姿多彩。 themoviedb
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法国小馆儿 subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E00 "'Allo 'Allo!" The British Are Coming
S01E01 英国人已经来了
S01E02 Pigeon Post
S01E03 Saville Row to the Rescue
S01E04 The Execution
S01E05 The Funeral
S01E06 Red Nick's Colonel
S01E07 The Dance of the Hitler Youth
S02E01 Six Big Boobies
S02E02 The Wooing of Widow Artois
S02E03 The Policeman Cometh
S02E04 Swiftly and With Style
S02E05 The Duel
S02E06 Herr Flick's Revenge
S02E07 The Gateau From The Chateau
S03E01 The Nicked Knockwurst
S03E02 Gruber Does Some Mincing
S03E03 The Sausage in the Wardrobe
S03E04 Flight of Fancy
S03E05 Pretty Maids All in a Row
S03E06 The Great Un-Escape
S04E01 Prisoners of War
S04E02 Camp Dance
S04E03 Good Staff Are Hard to Find
S04E04 The Flying Nun
S04E05 The Sausage in the Trousers
S04E06 The Jet-Propelled Mother-in-Law
S05E01 Desperate Doings in the Dungeon
S05E02 The Camera in the Potato
S05E03 Dinner with the General
S05E04 The Dreaded Circular Saw
S05E05 Otherwise Engaged
S05E06 A Marriage of Inconvenience
S05E07 No Hiding Place
S05E08 The Arrival of the Homing Duck
S05E09 Watch the Birdie
S05E10 René - Under an Assumed Nose
S05E11 The Confusion of the Generals
S05E12 Who's for the Vatican?
S05E13 Ribbing the Bonk
S05E14 The Reluctant Millionaires
S05E15 A Duck for Launch
S05E16 The Exploding Bedpan
S05E17 Going Like a Bomb
S05E18 Money to Burn
S05E19 Pudding Can Go Off
S05E20 Land Mines for London
S05E21 Flight to Geneva
S05E22 Train of Events
S05E23 An Enigma Variation
S05E24 Wedding Bloss
S05E25 Down the Drain
S05E26 All in Disgeese
S06E01 Desperate Doings in the Graveyard
S06E02 The Gestapo for the High Jump
S06E03 The Nouvion Oars
S06E04 The Nicked Airmen
S06E05 The Airmen De-Nicked
S06E06 The Crooked Fences
S06E07 Crabtree's Podgeon Pist
S06E08 Rising to the Occasion
S07E01 A Quiet Honeymoon
S07E02 An Almighty Bang
S07E03 Fleeing Monks
S07E04 Up the Crick Without a Piddle
S07E05 The Gestapo Ruins a Picnic
S07E06 The Spirit of Nouvion
S07E07 Leg It to Spain!
S07E08 Prior Engagements
S07E09 Soup and Sausage
S07E10 René of the Gypsies
S08E01 Arousing Suspicions
S08E02 A Woman Never Lies
S08E03 Hitler's Last Heil
S08E03 Hitler's Last Heil
S08E04 Awful Wedded Wife
S08E05 Firing Squashed
S08E06 A Fishful of Francs
S08E07 Swan Song
S09E01 Gone with the Windmill
S09E02 Missing and Presumed Dead
S09E03 Rene Artois Is Still Dead
S09E04 Tarts and Flickers
S09E05 A Fishy Send-Off
S09E06 A Winkle in Time
'Allo 'Allo! - S05E18 Money to Burn allo.allo.s05e18.dvdrip.xvid-nodlabs 0% 226 0 接近 11 年
allo. allo. s05e18. dvdrip. xvid-nodlabsallo.allo.s05e18.dvdrip.xvid-nodlabs'Allo 'Allo! - S05E04 The Dreaded Circular Saw allo.allo.s05e04.dvdrip.xvid-nodlabs 0% 268 0 11 年多
allo. allo. s05e04. dvdrip. xvid-nodlabsallo.allo.s05e04.dvdrip.xvid-nodlabs