1997 - Покемон
Gotta catch 'em all!
Original title: ポケットモンスター
Придружите се Ешу и његовом партнеру Пикачу-у, док путује кроз разне регионе, упознаје нове пријатеље и суочава се са новим изазовима у испуњавању његовог сна да постане Покемон мајстор. themoviedb
Занимљиве везе
Покемон subtitles for episodes from season 7
S07E01 What You Seed is What You Get
S07E02 Love at First Flight
S07E03 Let Bagons Be Bagons
S07E04 The Princess and the Togepi
S07E05 A Togepi Mirage!
S07E06 Candid Camerupt!
S07E07 I Feel Skitty!
S07E08 ZigZag Zangoose!
S07E09 Maxxed Out!
S07E10 Pros and Con Artists
S07E11 Come What May!
S07E12 Cheer Pressure
S07E13 Game Winning Assist
S07E14 Fight for the Meteorite
S07E15 Poetry Commotion!
S07E16 Going, Going, Yawn!
S07E17 Going for a Spinda
S07E18 All Torkoal, No Play
S07E19 Manectric Charge
S07E20 Delcatty Got Your Tongue
S07E21 Disaster of Disguise
S07E22 Disguise Da Limit
S07E23 Take the Lombre Home
S07E24 True Blue Swablu
S07E25 Gulpin it Down!
S07E26 Exploud and Clear
S07E27 Go Go Ludicolo!
S07E28 A Double Dilemma
S07E29 Love, Petalburg Style!
S07E30 Balance of Power
S07E31 A Six Pack Attack!
S07E32 The Bicker the Better
S07E33 Grass Hysteria!
S07E34 Hokey Poké Balls!
S07E35 Whiscash and Ash
S07E36 Me, Myself and Time
S07E37 A Fan with a Plan!
S07E38 Cruisin' for a Losin'
S07E39 Pearls are a Spoink's Best Friend
S07E40 That's Just Swellow
S07E41 Take This House and Shuppet
S07E42 A Shroomish Skirmish
S07E43 Unfair Weather Friends
S07E44 Who's Flying Now?
S07E45 Sky High Gym Battle!
S07E46 Lights, Camerupt, Action!
S07E47 Crazy as a Lunatone
S07E48 The Garden of Eatin'
S07E49 A Scare to Remember!
S07E50 Pokéblock, Stock, and Berry
S07E51 Lessons in Lilycove
S07E52 Judgment Day