2012 - Arrow
Heroes fall. Legends rise.
Miliardár Oliver Queen strávil päť rokov proti svojej vôli ako stroskotanec na opustenom ostrove. Všetci si mysleli, že už nežije. On je však späť ako úplne nový človek – vybavený novými zručnosťami a odhodlaný bojovať proti zločincom ako novodobý Robin Hood. themoviedb
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Arrow subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Nový začiatok
S01E02 Cti si svojho otca
S01E03 Lone Gunmen
S01E04 Nevinný človek
S01E05 Jazvy
S01E06 Odkaz
S01E07 Muse of Fire
S01E08 Vendeta
S01E09 Koniec roka
S01E10 Spálený
S01E11 Trust But Verify
S01E12 Vertigo
S01E13 Zrada
S01E14 Odysea
S01E15 Dodger
S01E16 Dead to Rights
S01E17 The Huntress Returns
S01E18 Vykúpenie
S01E19 Nevyriadené účty
S01E20 Home Invasion
S01E21 Zúčtovanie
S01E22 Temnota nad mestom
S01E23 Obeť
S02E01 City of Heroes
S02E02 Identity
S02E03 Polámané bábiky
S02E04 Crucible
S02E05 League of Assassins
S02E06 Keep Your Enemies Closer
S02E07 State v. Queen
S02E08 Vedec
S02E09 Three Ghosts
S02E10 Oblasť výbuchu
S02E11 Najväčšia slabina
S02E12 Záchvevy
S02E13 Vtelenie démona
S02E14 Čas smrti
S02E15 Sľub
S02E16 Samovražedný oddiel
S02E17 Birds of Prey
S02E18 Deathstroke
S02E19 Kto sa skrýva pod kapucňou
S02E20 Seeing Red
S02E21 Bloodovo mesto
S02E22 Ulice v plameňoch
S02E23 Nemysliteľné
S03E01 The Calm
S03E02 Sara
S03E03 Corto Maltese
S03E04 The Magician
S03E05 The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak
S03E06 Guilty
S03E07 Draw Back Your Bow
S03E08 The Brave and the Bold (II)
S03E09 Výstup
S03E10 Dôkaz smrti
S03E11 Polnočné mesto
S03E12 Vzbura
S03E13 Canaries
S03E14 Návrat
S03E15 Nanda Parbat
S03E16 Ponuka
S03E17 Suicidal Tendencies
S03E18 Verejný nepriateľ
S03E19 Broken Arrow
S03E20 Pád
S03E21 Al Sah-Him
S03E22 Toto je tvoj meč
S03E23 Moje meno je Oliver Queen
S04E01 Green Arrow
S04E02 Kandidát
S04E03 Vzkriesenie
S04E04 Nenapraviteľní
S04E05 Bez duše
S04E06 Stratené duše
S04E07 Bratstvo
S04E08 Legends of Yesterday
S04E09 Dark Waters
S04E10 Blood Debts
S04E11 A.W.O.L.
S04E12 Unchained
S04E13 Sins of the Father
S04E14 Code of Silence
S04E15 Unesený
S04E16 Zlomené srdcia
S04E17 Maják nádeje
S04E18 Jedenásť päťdesiat deväť
S04E19 Canary Cry
S04E20 Genesis
S04E21 Monument Point
S04E22 Lost in the Flood
S04E23 Schism
S05E01 Legacy
S05E02 The Recruits
S05E03 A Matter of Trust
S05E04 Penance
S05E05 Human Target
S05E06 So It Begins
S05E07 Vigilante
S05E08 Invasion!
S05E09 What We Leave Behind
S05E10 Who Are You?
S05E11 Second Chances
S05E12 Bratva
S05E13 Spectre of the Gun
S05E14 The Sin-Eater
S05E15 Fighting Fire with Fire
S05E16 Checkmate
S05E17 Kapiushon
S05E18 Disbanded
S05E19 Dangerous Liaisons
S05E20 Underneath
S05E21 Honor Thy Fathers
S05E22 Missing
S05E23 Lian Yu
S06E01 Fallout
S06E02 Tribute
S06E03 Next of Kin
S06E04 Reversal
S06E05 Deathstroke Returns
S06E06 Promises Kept
S06E07 Thanksgiving
S06E08 Crisis on Earth X (časť 2)
S06E09 Irreconcilable Differences
S06E10 Divided
S06E11 We Fall
S06E12 All for Nothing
S06E13 The Devil's Greatest Trick
S06E14 Collision Course
S06E15 Doppelgänger
S06E16 The Thanatos Guild
S06E17 Brothers in Arms
S06E18 Fundamentals
S06E19 The Dragon
S06E20 Shifting Allegiances
S06E21 Docket No. 11-19-41-73
S06E22 The Ties That Bind
S06E23 Life Sentence
S07E01 Inmate 4587
S07E02 The Longbow Hunters
S07E03 Crossing Lines
S07E04 Level Two
S07E05 The Demon
S07E06 Due Process
S07E07 The Slabside Redemption
S07E08 Unmasked
S07E09 Elseworlds, Part 2
S07E10 My Name Is Emiko Queen
S07E11 Past Sins
S07E12 Emerald Archer
S07E13 Star City Slayer
S07E14 Brothers & Sisters
S07E15 Training Day
S07E16 Star City 2040
S07E17 Inheritance
S07E18 Lost Canary
S07E19 Spartan
S07E20 Confessions
S07E21 Living Proof
S07E22 You Have Saved This City
S08E01 Starling City
S08E02 Welcome To Hong Kong
S08E03 Leap of Faith
S08E04 Present Tense
S08E05 Prochnost
S08E06 Reset
S08E07 Purgatory
S08E08 Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Four (IV)
S08E09 Green Arrow & The Canaries
S08E09 Green Arrow & The Canaries
S08E10 Fadeout
S08E11 "Arrow" Episode #8.11 (TV Episode)
S08E12 "Arrow" Episode #8.12 (TV Episode)
S08E13 "Arrow" Episode #8.13 (TV Episode)
S08E14 "Arrow" Episode #8.14 (TV Episode)
S08E15 "Arrow" Episode #8.15 (TV Episode)
S08E16 "Arrow" Episode #8.16 (TV Episode)
S08E17 "Arrow" Episode #8.17 (TV Episode)
S08E18 "Arrow" Episode #8.18 (TV Episode)
S08E19 "Arrow" Episode #8.19 (TV Episode)
S08E20 "Arrow" Episode #8.20 (TV Episode)
S08E21 "Arrow" Episode #8.21 (TV Episode)
S08E22 "Arrow" Episode #8.22 (TV Episode)
S08E23 "Arrow" Episode #8.23 (TV Episode)
Arrow - S08E03 Leap of Faith 10% 1114 0 viac ako 5 rokmi
Arrow. S08E03. Leap. of. Faith. 1080p. AMZN. WEBRip. DDP5. 1. x264-CasStudio. ruArrow.S08E03.Leap.of.Faith.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DDP5.1.x264-CasStudio.ruArrow - S06E08 Crisis on Earth-X (II) Arrow.S06E08.720p.HDTV.x264-AVS.mkv 0% 151 0 takmer 7 rokmi
Arrow. S06E08. 720p. HDTV. x264-AVS. mkvArrow.S06E08.720p.HDTV.x264-AVS.mkvArrow - S06E08 Crisis on Earth X (časť 2) Arrow.S06E08.HDTV.x264-SVA-eng 0% 603 0 viac ako 7 rokmi
Arrow. S06E08. HDTV. x264-SVA-engArrow.S06E08.HDTV.x264-SVA-engArrow - S04E23 Schism Arrow S04E23 Schism 0% 569 1 takmer 9 rokmi
Arrow S04E23 SchismArrow S04E23 SchismArrow - S02E23 Unthinkable Arrow-S02E23(0000238373) 0% 434 0 takmer 9 rokmi
Arrow-S02E23(0000238373)Arrow-S02E23(0000238373)Arrow - S04E14 Code of Silence arrow.414.hdtv-lol[ettv]-slk 0% 1140 0 asi 9 rokmi
arrow. 414. hdtv-lol[ettv]-slkarrow.414.hdtv-lol[ettv]-slkArrow - S04E11 A.W.O.L. arrow.411.hdtv-lol[ettv]-slk 0% 924 0 asi 9 rokmi
arrow. 411. hdtv-lol[ettv]-slkarrow.411.hdtv-lol[ettv]-slkArrow - S01E02 Honor Thy Father Arrow.S01E02.HDTV.XviD-AFG 0% 20015 0 asi 11 rokmi
Arrow. S01E02. HDTV. XviD-AFGArrow.S01E02.HDTV.XviD-AFGArrow - S01E12 Vertigo Arrow.S01E12.HDTV.x264-LOL.[VTV]-slk 0% 5712 0 takmer 12 rokmi
Arrow. S01E12. HDTV. x264-LOL. [VTV]-slkArrow.S01E12.HDTV.x264-LOL.[VTV]-slkArrow - S01E18 Vykúpenie Arrow.S01E18.HDTV.x264-LOL 0% 4809 0 takmer 12 rokmi
Arrow. S01E18. HDTV. x264-LOLArrow.S01E18.HDTV.x264-LOLArrow - S01E08 Vendetta Arrow S01E08 0% 9209 0 takmer 12 rokmi
Arrow S01E08Arrow S01E08Arrow - S01E01 Pilot Arrow S01E01 0% 90061 0 asi 12 rokmi
Arrow S01E01Arrow S01E01