2009 - Votrelci staroveku
Originálny názov: Ancient Aliens
Na základe archeologických nálezov, ako sú napríklad jaskynné kresby podobné kozmonautom, technicky dokonalé monumentálne stavby a sochy, ktoré by sme ani dnes neboli schopní postaviť, obrovské obrazce, viditeľné iba z výšky či nápadne podobné opisy bohov zo všetkých kútov sveta s lietajúcimi vozidlami a obrovskými znalosťami, predstavuje kontroverzný spisovateľ a bádateľ Erich Von Däniken teóriu antických astronautov, v ktorej poukazuje na možnosť, že vývoj ľudstva mohol byť v dávnej minulosti ovplyvnený návštevníkmi z vesmíru. themoviedb
Zaujímavé odkazy
Votrelci staroveku subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Dôkaz
S01E02 The Visitors
S01E03 Poslanie
S01E04 Blízke stretnutia
S01E05 Návrat
S02E01 Záhadné miesta
S02E02 Gods & Aliens
S02E03 Podvodné svety
S02E04 Podzemní mimozemšťania
S02E05 Mimozemšťania a Tretia ríša
S02E06 Mimozemská technológia
S02E07 Anjeli a mimozemšťania
S02E08 Unexplained Structures
S02E09 Mimozemskí ničitelia
S02E10 Cudzie kontakty
S03E01 Aliens and the Old West
S03E02 Votrelci a monštrá
S03E03 Mimozemšťania a posvätné miesta
S03E04 Mimozemšťania a chrámy zo zlata
S03E05 Mimozemšťania a tajomné rituály
S03E06 Mimozemšťania a starovekí stavitelia
S03E07 Mimozemšťania, mory a epidémie
S03E08 Mimozemšťania a stratené svety
S03E09 Votrelci a smrteľné zbrane
S03E10 Aliens and Evil Places
S03E11 Mimozemšťania a Otcovia zakladatelia
S03E12 Votrelci a vražedné kulty
S03E13 Mimozemšťania a tajný kód
S03E14 Votrelci a nemŕtvi
S03E15 Mimozemšťania, bohovia a hrdinovia
S03E16 Aliens and the Creation of Man
S04E01 The Mayan Conspiracy
S04E02 Proroctvo súdneho dňa
S04E03 Šediváci
S04E04 Mimozemšťania a megakatastrofy
S04E05 Spojitosti s NASA
S04E06 Tajomstvo Puma Punku
S04E07 Votrelci a Yeti
S04E08 Da Vinciho sprisahanie
S04E09 The Time Travelers
S04E10 Mimozemšťania a dinosaury
S05E01 Tajomstvá pyramíd
S05E01 Tajomstvá pyramíd
S05E02 Votrelci a krycie operácie
S05E03 Mimozemské elektrárne
S05E04 Cieľ Orion
S05E05 Einsteinov faktor
S05E06 Secrets of the Tombs
S05E07 Proroci a proroctvá
S05E08 Beyond Nazca
S05E09 Podivné únosy
S05E10 Von Dänikenov odkaz
S05E11 Vikingskí bohovia
S05E12 Monolity
S06E01 Sila trojice
S06E02 Krištáľové lebky
S06E03 The Anunnaki Connection
S06E04 Kúzla bohov
S06E05 Satanské spiknutie
S06E06 Alien Operations
S06E07 Cisári, kráľovia a faraóni
S06E08 Záhadné relikvie
S06E09 Votrelci a zakázané ostrovy
S06E09 Votrelci a zakázané ostrovy
S06E10 Votrelci a stratená archa
S06E11 Votrelci a tajomné hory
S07E01 Aliens and Stargates
S07E02 Aliens in America
S07E02 Aliens in America
S07E03 The Star Children
S07E04 Treasures of the Gods
S07E05 Aliens and the Red Planet
S07E06 The Shamans
S07E07 Aliens and Insects
S07E08 Alien Breeders
S08E01 Alien Transports
S08E02 Mysterious Structures
S08E03 Mysterious Devices
S08E04 The Reptilians
S08E05 The Tesla Experiment
S08E06 The God Particle
S08E07 Alien Encounters
S08E07 Alien Encounters
S08E08 Aliens & Superheroes
S08E15 "Ancient Aliens" Alien Messages
S09E01 Forbidden Caves
S09E02 Mysteries of the Sphinx
S09E03 Aliens Among Us
S09E04 The Genius Factor
S09E05 Secrets of the Mummies
S09E06 Alien Resurrections
S09E07 Alien Messages
S09E08 The Great Flood
S09E09 Aliens and the Civil War
S09E10 Hidden Pyramids
S09E11 The Vanishings
S09E12 The Alien Agenda
S10E01 Aliens B.C.
S10E02 NASA's Secret Agenda
S10E03 Aliens and Robots
S10E04 Dark Forces
S10E05 The Alien Evolution
S10E06 The Other Earth
S10E07 Creatures of the Deep
S10E08 Circles from the Sky
S10E09 The Alien Wars
S10E10 The Forbidden Zones
S11E01 Pyramids of Antarctica
S11E02 Destination Mars
S11E03 The Next Humans
S11E04 The New Evidence
S11E05 The Visionaries
S11E06 Decoding the Cosmic Egg
S11E07 The Wisdom Keepers
S11E08 The Mysterious Nine
S11E09 The Hidden Empire
S11E10 The Prototypes
S11E11 Space Station Moon
S11E11 Space Station Moon
S11E12 Russia's Secret Files
S11E13 Beyond Roswell
S11E14 The Returned
S11E15 Shiva the Destroyer
S12E01 The Alien Hunters
S12E02 Forged by the Gods
S12E03 The Mystery of Rudloe Manor
S12E04 The Alien Architects
S12E05 The Pharaohs' Curse
S12E06 The Science Wars
S12E07 City of the Gods
S12E08 The Alien Frequency
S12E09 The Majestic Twelve
S12E10 The Akashic Record
S12E11 Voices of the Gods
S12E12 The Animal Agenda
S12E13 The Replicants
S12E14 A Spaceship Made of Stone
S12E15 The Alien Disks
S12E16 Return to Gobekli Tepe
S13E01 The UFO Conspiracy
S13E02 Da Vinci's Forbidden Codes
S13E03 The Alien Protocols
S13E04 Earth's Black Holes
S13E05 The Desert Codes
S13E06 Area 52
S13E07 Earth Station Egypt
S13E08 Island of the Giants
S13E09 The Taken
S13E10 The Sentinels
S13E11 Russia Declassified
S13E12 They Came From the Sky
S13E13 The Artificial Human
S13E14 The Alien Phenomenon
S13E15 Return to Mars
S14E01 Return to Antarctica
S14E02 The Badlands Guardian
S14E03 Element 115
S14E04 The Star Gods of Sirius
S14E05 They Came from the Sea
S14E06 Secrets of the Maya
S14E07 The Druid Connection
S14E08 The Reptilian Agenda
S14E09 The Alien Infection
S14E10 Project Hybrid
S14E11 The Trans-Dimensionals
S14E12 Islands of Fire
S14E13 The Constellation Code
S14E14 The Nuclear Agenda
S14E15 The Alien Mountain
S14E16 The Alien Brain
S14E17 The Secrets of Stonehenge
S14E18 Food of the Gods
S14E19 Human Hieroglyphs
S14E20 The Storming of Area 51
S14E21 Countdown to Disclosure
S14E22 Secrets of the Exoplanets
S15E01 The Mystery of Nan Madol
S15E02 The Relics of Roswell
S15E03 Destination Chile
S15E04 The Real Men in Black
S15E05 The Mystery of the Stone Giants
S15E06 The World Before Time
S15E07 They Came from The Pleiades
S15E08 The Immortality Machine
S15E09 The Shapeshifters
S15E10 The Mystery of Skinwalker Ranch
S15E11 The Ultimate Guide to UFOs
S15E12 Aliens and the Presidents
S16E01 The Divine Number
S16E02 The Lost Kingdom
S16E03 The Galactic Keyhole
S16E04 Giants of the Mediterranean
S16E05 The Forbidden Bible
S16E06 William Shatner Meets Ancient Aliens
S16E07 Impossible Artifacts
S16E08 The Space Travelers
S16E09 The UFO Pioneers
S16E10 The Harmonic Code
S16E11 "Ancient Aliens" The Mystery of Mount Shasta
S16E13 "Ancient Aliens" The Human Experiment
S17E01 The Lost City of Peru
S17E02 Top Ten Mysterious Sites
S17E03 Top Ten Alien Cover-Ups
S17E04 The Mystery of Mount Shasta
S17E05 The Human Experiment
S17E06 Top Ten Alien Encounters
S17E07 Top Ten Alien Artifacts
S18E01 The Disclosure Event
S18E02 Mystery of the Standing Stones
S18E03 Beneath the Sacred Temples
S18E04 The World on Alert
S18E05 Recovering The Ark Of The Covenant
S18E06 Secrets Of The Star Ancestors
S18E07 Alien Air Force
S18E08 The Shadow People
S18E09 Decoding the Dragon Gods
S18E10 The Time Benders
S18E11 Ancient Aliens On Location: Incredible Structures
S18E12 Ancient Aliens On Location: Extraordinary Encounters
S18E13 Ancient Aliens on Location: The Alien Glyphs
S18E14 Ancient Aliens On Location: The UFO Investigations
S18E15 Ancient Aliens On Location: Mysterious Artifacts
S18E16 Ancient Aliens on Location: Evidence of Alien Life
S18E17 The Shining Ones
S18E18 The Journey to Immortality
S18E19 Secrets of Inner Earth
S18E20 Return of the Egyptian Gods
S19E01 The Hotspot Connection
S19E02 The Crop Circle Code
S19E03 Mystery of the Lost Civilization
S19E04 The Power of the Obelisks
S19E05 The MUFON Files
S19E06 Cosmic Impacts
S19E07 Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind
S19E08 The Mysteries of Alaska
S19E09 Aliens in our Airspace
S19E10 The Giants of Malta
S19E11 The Top Ten Pyramid Sites
S19E12 The Top Ten Mysterious Devices
S19E13 The Top Ten Mysterious Islands
S19E14 The Top Ten Alien Craft
S19E15 Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet
S19E16 The Gods of Greece
S19E17 The New UFO Hunters
S19E18 Power of the Talisman
S19E19 The Top Ten Mysteries of the Deep
S19E20 The Top Ten Alien Petroglyphs
S20E01 The Top Ten Alien Influencers
S20E02 The Top Ten Extraordinary Creatures
S20E03 The Top Ten Hidden Alien Bases
S20E04 The Top Ten Scariest Encounters
S20E05 The Top Ten Alien Codes
S20E06 The Top Ten Alien Disasters
S20E07 Secrets Of The Sumerians
S20E08 The UFO Superhighway
S20E09 Mysteries of Scotland
S20E10 Mystery of the Stone Spheres
S20E11 Mysteries of the Maya
S20E12 Unlocking the Stargates
S20E13 The Whistleblowers
S20E14 The Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence
S20E15 Jacques Vallée: UFO Pioneer
S20E17 Egypt's Giant Tombs
S20E18 The Linda Moulton Howe Files
S20E19 The Chosen
S20E20 Resurrecting Puma Punku
Ancient Aliens - S13E01 The UFO Conspiracy Ancient.Aliens.S13E01.The.UFO.Conspiracy.WEB.h264-CAFFEiNE[eztv] 0% 234 0 viac ako 6 rokmi
Ancient. Aliens. S13E01. The. UFO. Conspiracy. WEB. h264-CAFFEiNE[eztv]Ancient.Aliens.S13E01.The.UFO.Conspiracy.WEB.h264-CAFFEiNE[eztv]เจาะอดีตลับจากต่างดาว - S13E01 The UFO Conspiracy Ancient-Aliens-S13E01(0000300990) 0% 163 0 viac ako 6 rokmi
Ancient-Aliens-S13E01(0000300990)Ancient-Aliens-S13E01(0000300990)Ancient Aliens - S11E06 Decoding the Cosmic Egg Ancient-Aliens-S11E06(0000272773) 0% 122 0 viac ako 8 rokmi
Ancient-Aliens-S11E06(0000272773)Ancient-Aliens-S11E06(0000272773)Ancient Aliens - S11E06 Decoding the Cosmic Egg Ancient-Aliens-S11E06(0000272773) 0% 108 0 viac ako 8 rokmi
Ancient-Aliens-S11E06(0000272773)Ancient-Aliens-S11E06(0000272773)Ancient Aliens - S09E09 Aliens and the Civil War Ancient Aliens S07E09 0% 87 0 takmer 9 rokmi
Ancient Aliens S07E09Ancient Aliens S07E09Ancient Aliens - S03E14 Aliens and the Undead Ancient Aliens Season 03 Episode 14 - Aliens and the Undead-slk 0% 116 0 viac ako 11 rokmi
Ancient Aliens Season 03 Episode 14 - Aliens and the Undead-slkAncient Aliens Season 03 Episode 14 - Aliens and the Undead-slkAncient Aliens - S03E08 Aliens and Lost Worlds ancient aliens s03e08 aliens and lost worlds 0% 388 0 viac ako 13 rokmi
ancient aliens s03e08 aliens and lost worldsancient aliens s03e08 aliens and lost worldsAncient Aliens - S03E06 Aliens and Ancient Engineers ancient aliens s03e06 aliens and ancient engineers 0% 177 0 viac ako 13 rokmi
ancient aliens s03e06 aliens and ancient engineersancient aliens s03e06 aliens and ancient engineersAncient Aliens - S03E05 Aliens and Mysterious Rituals ancient aliens s03e05 aliens and mysterious ritual 0% 188 0 viac ako 13 rokmi
ancient aliens s03e05 aliens and mysterious ritualancient aliens s03e05 aliens and mysterious ritualAncient Aliens - S03E04 Aliens and Temples of Gold ancient aliens s03e04 aliens and temples of gold 0% 181 0 viac ako 13 rokmi
ancient aliens s03e04 aliens and temples of goldancient aliens s03e04 aliens and temples of goldVotrelci staroveku - S03E03 Mimozemšťania a posvätné miesta ancient aliens s03e03 aliens and secred places 0% 169 0 viac ako 13 rokmi
ancient aliens s03e03 aliens and secred placesancient aliens s03e03 aliens and secred placesAncient Aliens - S03E02 Aliens and Monsters ancient aliens aliens and monsters s03e02 0% 213 0 viac ako 13 rokmi
ancient aliens aliens and monsters s03e02ancient aliens aliens and monsters s03e02