2007 - Mad Men
Where the truth lies.
New York, 60. roky. Prestížne reklamná agentúra, honba za mocou, konflikty a nevera. Príbeh sa točí okolo fiktívnej reklamnej agentúry Sterling Cooper sídliacej na Madison Avenue. Nejde tu ale len o chod agentúry, vymýšľanie reklám, ale hlavne o životy ľudí, ktorí v nej pracujú. Hlavnými aktérmi sú kreatívny riaditeľ Don Draper, ktorého život je zahalený tajomstvom a sekretárka Peggy Olson, ktorá sa snaží presadiť v mužskom svete. themoviedb
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Mad Men subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
S01E02 Ladies Room
S01E03 Marriage of Figaro
S01E04 New Amsterdam
S01E05 5G
S01E06 Babylon
S01E07 Red in the Face
S01E08 The Hobo Code
S01E09 Shoot
S01E10 Long Weekend
S01E11 Indian Summer
S01E12 Nixon vs. Kennedy
S01E13 The Wheel
S02E01 For Those Who Think Young
S02E02 Flight 1
S02E03 The Benefactor
S02E04 Three Sundays
S02E05 The New Girl
S02E06 Maidenform
S02E07 The Gold Violin
S02E08 A Night to Remember
S02E09 Six Month Leave
S02E10 The Inheritance
S02E11 The Jet Set
S02E12 The Mountain King
S02E13 Meditations in an Emergency
S03E01 Out of Town
S03E02 Love Among the Ruins
S03E03 My Old Kentucky Home
S03E04 The Arrangements
S03E05 The Fog
S03E06 Guy Walks Into an Advertising Agency
S03E07 Seven Twenty Three
S03E08 Souvenir
S03E09 Wee Small Hours
S03E10 The Color Blue
S03E11 The Gypsy and the Hobo
S03E12 The Grown-Ups
S03E13 Shut the Door. Have a Seat
S04E01 Public Relations
S04E02 Christmas Comes But Once a Year
S04E03 The Good News
S04E04 The Rejected
S04E05 The Chrysanthemum and the Sword
S04E06 Waldorf Stories
S04E07 The Suitcase
S04E08 The Summer Man
S04E09 The Beautiful Girls
S04E10 Hands and Knees
S04E11 Chinese Wall
S04E12 Blowing Smoke
S04E13 Tomorrowland
S05E01 A Little Kiss (1)
S05E02 A Little Kiss (2)
S05E03 Tea Leaves
S05E04 Mystery Date
S05E05 Signal 30
S05E06 Far Away Places
S05E07 At the Codfish Ball
S05E08 Lady Lazarus
S05E09 Dark Shadows
S05E10 Christmas Waltz
S05E11 The Other Woman
S05E12 Commissions and Fees
S05E13 The Phantom
S06E01 The Doorway (1)
S06E02 The Doorway (2)
S06E03 Collaborators
S06E04 To Have and to Hold
S06E05 The Flood
S06E06 For Immediate Release
S06E07 Man With a Plan
S06E08 The Crash
S06E09 The Better Half
S06E10 A Tale of Two Cities
S06E11 Favors
S06E12 The Quality of Mercy
S06E13 In Care Of
S07E01 Time Zones
S07E02 A Day's Work
S07E03 Field Trip
S07E04 The Monolith
S07E05 The Runaways
S07E06 The Strategy
S07E07 Waterloo
S07E08 Severance
S07E09 New Business
S07E10 The Forecast
S07E11 Time & Life
S07E12 Lost Horizon
S07E13 The Milk and Honey Route
S07E14 Person to Person