1999 - Farscape
My name is John Crichton, an astronaut. I'm just looking for a way home.
Len si to predstavte. Letíte si známym vesmírom a zrazu vás vcucne červia diera a vypľuje vás bohvie kde. A to je len začiatok. Červie diery sú potenciálne veľmi mocné zbrane a ako to tak vyzerá, mohli by ste pre miestnych byť prostriedkom na ich ovládnutie, nech ste si toho vedomí alebo nie. No našťastie nemusíte vesmírom utekať sami, s pár rôznorodými utečencami tvoríte posádku živej vesmírnej lode Moya. themoviedb
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Farscape subtitles for episodes from season 2
S02E01 Mind the Baby
S02E02 Vitas Mortis
S02E03 Taking the Stone
S02E04 Crackers Don't Matter
S02E05 The Way We Weren't
S02E06 Picture if You Will
S02E07 Home on the Remains
S02E08 Dream a Little Dream
S02E09 Out of Their Minds
S02E10 My Three Crichtons
S02E11 Look at the Princess - A Kiss is But a Kiss (1)
S02E12 Look at the Princess - I Do, I Think (2)
S02E13 Look at the Princess - The Maltese Crichton (3)
S02E14 Beware of Dog
S02E15 Won't Get Fooled Again
S02E16 The Locket
S02E17 The Ugly Truth
S02E18 A Clockwork Nebari
S02E19 Liars, Guns and Money - A Not So Simple Plan (1)
S02E20 Liars, Guns and Money - With Friends Like These... (2)
S02E21 Liars, Guns and Money - Plan B (3)
S02E22 Die Me, Dichotomy