2006 - Caietul morții
The hunted becomes the hunter!
Original title: DEATH NOTE
Un licean ajunge în posesia unui caiet ocult și descoperă că poate să ucidă orice persoană al cărei nume poate fi scris în el. themoviedb
Legaturi interesante
Caietul morții subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Renaștere
S01E02 Confruntare
S01E03 Tratative
S01E04 Urmărire
S01E05 Strategie
S01E06 Clarificare
S01E07 Înnorat
S01E08 Strălucire
S01E09 Întâlnire
S01E10 Îndoială
S01E11 Atac
S01E12 Dragoste
S01E13 Confesiune
S01E14 Prieten
S01E15 Pariu
S01E16 Decizie
S01E17 Execuție
S01E18 Aliat
S01E19 Matsuda
S01E20 Improvizație
S01E21 Spectacol
S01E22 Îndrumare
S01E23 Frenezie
S01E24 Renaștere
S01E25 Tăcere
S01E26 Regenerare
S01E27 Răpire
S01E28 Nerăbdare
S01E29 Tată
S01E30 Dreptate
S01E31 Transfer
S01E32 Selecție
S01E33 Dispreț
S01E34 Vigilență
S01E35 Răutate
S01E36 1.28
S01E37 Lumea nouă
Death Note - S01E08 Glare Death.Note.S01E08.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 295 0 mai mult de 5 ani
Death. Note. S01E08. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E08.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FDeath Note - S01E01 Rebirth Death.Note.S01E01.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 247 0 aproximativ 6 ani
Death. Note. S01E01. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E01.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FDeath Note - S01E17 Execution [AnimeRG] Death Note 17 [720p] (Dual Audio) [KaMi] 0% 90 0 mai mult de 6 ani
[AnimeRG] Death Note 17 [720p] (Dual Audio) [KaMi][AnimeRG] Death Note 17 [720p] (Dual Audio) [KaMi]Death Note - S01E25 Silence Death.Note.S01E25.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 178 0 mai mult de 6 ani
Death. Note. S01E25. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E25.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FCuốn Sổ Tử Thần - S01E21 Performance Death.Note.S01E21.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 191 0 mai mult de 6 ani
Death. Note. S01E21. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E21.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FDeath Note - S01E34 Vigilance Death.Note.S01E34.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 122 0 mai mult de 6 ani
Death. Note. S01E34. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E34.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FDeath Note - S01E13 Confession Death.Note.S01E13.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F-rum(1) 0% 107 0 aproape 7 ani
Death. Note. S01E13. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4F-rum(1)Death.Note.S01E13.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F-rum(1)Death Note - S01E13 Confession Death.Note.S01E13.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 346 0 aproximativ 7 ani
Death. Note. S01E13. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E13.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FDeath Note - S01E10 Doubt Death.Note.S01E10.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 383 0 aproximativ 7 ani
Death. Note. S01E10. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E10.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FDeath Note - S01E07 Overcast Death.Note.S01E07.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 503 0 aproximativ 7 ani
Death. Note. S01E07. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E07.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FТетрадь смерти - S01E37 Новый мир Death.Note.S01E37.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 135 0 aproximativ 7 ani
Death. Note. S01E37. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E37.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FDeath Note - S01E32 Selection Death.Note.S01E32.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 140 0 aproximativ 7 ani
Death. Note. S01E32. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E32.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FDeath Note - S01E30 Justice Death.Note.S01E30.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 141 0 aproximativ 7 ani
Death. Note. S01E30. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E30.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FDeath Note - S01E27 Abduction Death.Note.S01E27.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 165 0 aproximativ 7 ani
Death. Note. S01E27. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E27.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FDeath Note - S01E26 Renewal Death.Note.S01E26.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 277 0 aproximativ 7 ani
Death. Note. S01E26. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E26.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FDeath Note - S01E15 Wager Death.Note.S01E15.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 145 0 aproximativ 7 ani
Death. Note. S01E15. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E15.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FDeath Note - S01E12 Love Death.Note.S01E12.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 371 0 aproximativ 7 ani
Death. Note. S01E12. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E12.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FDeath Note - S01E11 Assault Death.Note.S01E11.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 366 0 aproximativ 7 ani
Death. Note. S01E11. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E11.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FDeath Note - S01E05 Tactics Death.Note.S01E05.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 603 0 mai mult de 7 ani
Death. Note. S01E05. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E05.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FDeath Note - S01E04 Pursuit Death.Note.S01E04.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 404 0 mai mult de 7 ani
Death. Note. S01E04. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E04.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FDeath Note - S01E03 Dealings Death.Note.S01E03.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 742 0 mai mult de 7 ani
Death. Note. S01E03. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E03.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FDeath Note - S01E02 Confrontation Death.Note.S01E02.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 581 0 mai mult de 7 ani
Death. Note. S01E02. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E02.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FDeath Note - S01E24 Revival Death.Note.S01E24.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 228 0 mai mult de 7 ani
Death. Note. S01E24. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E24.720p.BluRay.x264-W4FDeath Note - S01E23 Frenzy Death.Note.S01E23.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F 0% 190 0 mai mult de 7 ani
Death. Note. S01E23. 720p. BluRay. x264-W4FDeath.Note.S01E23.720p.BluRay.x264-W4F