2016 - Class
Coal Hill School tem sido uma característica do Doctor Who desde o primeiro episódio, mas agora podemos ver as aventuras do dia-a-dia dos alunos lidando com intrusões do espaço e do tempo. themoviedb
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Class subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 For Tonight We Might Die
S01E02 The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo
S01E03 Nightvisiting
S01E04 Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart
S01E05 Brave-ish Heart
S01E06 Detained
S01E07 The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did
S01E08 The Lost
Class - S01E08 The Lost HDTV.x264-KILLERS-AFG-mSD-KILLERS 0% 483 0 mais de 8 anos
Class. S01E08. WEBRip. x264. TVCClass.S01E08.WEBRip.x264.TVC"Class" The Lost Class.S01E08.WEBRip.x264.TVC 0% 113 0 mais de 8 anos
Class - S01E07 The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did HDTV.x264-FLEET-AFG-mSD-MeGusta-FLEET 0% 605 0 mais de 8 anos
HDTV. x264-FLEET-AFG-mSD-MeGusta-FLEETHDTV.x264-FLEET-AFG-mSD-MeGusta-FLEETClass - S01E06 Detained WEB.h264-ROFL-720p.ROFL 0% 168 0 mais de 8 anos
WEB. h264-ROFL-720p. ROFLWEB.h264-ROFL-720p.ROFLClass - S01E06 Detained HDTV.x264-KILLERS-AFG-KILLERS 0% 676 0 mais de 8 anos
HDTV. x264-KILLERS-AFG-KILLERSHDTV.x264-KILLERS-AFG-KILLERSClass - S01E05 Brave-ish Heart Class.S01E05.Brave-ish.Heart.WEB.h264-ROFL 0% 177 0 mais de 8 anos
Class. S01E05. Brave-ish. Heart. WEB. h264-ROFLClass.S01E05.Brave-ish.Heart.WEB.h264-ROFLClass - S01E05 Brave-ish Heart HDTV.x264-KILLERS-AFG-KILLERS 0% 721 0 mais de 8 anos
HDTV. x264-KILLERS-AFG-KILLERSHDTV.x264-KILLERS-AFG-KILLERSClass - S01E04 Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart HDTV.x264-KILLERS-AFG-mSD-KILLERS 0% 750 0 mais de 8 anos
HDTV. x264-KILLERS-AFG-mSD-KILLERSHDTV.x264-KILLERS-AFG-mSD-KILLERSClass - S01E04 Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart Class.S01E04.Co-Owner.of.a.Lonely.Heart.WEB.h264-ROFL 0% 216 0 mais de 8 anos
Class. S01E04. Co-Owner. of. a. Lonely. Heart. WEB. h264-ROFLClass.S01E04.Co-Owner.of.a.Lonely.Heart.WEB.h264-ROFLClass - S01E03 Nightvisiting HDTV.x264-KILLERS-mSD-AFG-KILLERS 0% 980 0 mais de 8 anos
HDTV. x264-KILLERS-mSD-AFG-KILLERSHDTV.x264-KILLERS-mSD-AFG-KILLERSClass - S01E02 The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo HDTV.x264-KILLERS-AFG-mSD-KILLERS 0% 1137 0 mais de 8 anos
HDTV. x264-KILLERS-AFG-mSD-KILLERSHDTV.x264-KILLERS-AFG-mSD-KILLERSClass - S01E02 The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo Class.S01E02.The.Coach.with.the.Dragon.Tattoo.WebRip.x264-MCTV 0% 293 0 mais de 8 anos
Class. S01E02. The. Coach. with. the. Dragon. Tattoo. WebRip. x264-MCTVClass.S01E02.The.Coach.with.the.Dragon.Tattoo.WebRip.x264-MCTVClass - S01E01 For Tonight We Might Die HDTV.x264-KILLERS-AFG-mSD-KILLERS 0% 2435 0 mais de 8 anos
HDTV. x264-KILLERS-AFG-mSD-KILLERSHDTV.x264-KILLERS-AFG-mSD-KILLERSClass - S01E01 For Tonight We Might Die Class.S01E01.For.Tonight.We.Might.Die.WebRip.x264-MCTV 0% 492 0 mais de 8 anos
Class. S01E01. For. Tonight. We. Might. Die. WebRip. x264-MCTVClass.S01E01.For.Tonight.We.Might.Die.WebRip.x264-MCTV