2015 - Chicago Med: Atendimento de Emergência
Quando a crise atinge, eles revidam.
Original title: Chicago Med
Apresentado na narrativa de Chicago Fire, a nova atração produzida por Dick Wolf acompanha a narrativa emocional do caos do dia a dia no hospital mais explosivo da cidade e a equipa de médicos que mantém tudo a funcionar. themoviedb
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Chicago Med: Atendimento de Emergência subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Descarrilhado
S01E02 Não Estou Bem
S01E03 Recuo
S01E04 Engano
S01E05 Maligno
S01E06 Fronteira
S01E07 Santos
S01E08 O Reencontro
S01E09 Escolhas
S01E10 Claridade
S01E11 Interferência
S01E12 Culpa
S01E13 Nós
S01E14 Corações
S01E15 Herança
S01E16 Caos
S01E17 Desapegar
S01E18 O Momento Certo
S02E01 Curando a Alma
S02E02 Perdas e Ganhos
S02E03 História Natural
S02E04 Responsabilidade
S02E05 Medidas Extremas
S02E06 Medicina Alternativa
S02E07 Tendência Natural
S02E08 Livre Arbítrio
S02E09 Território Inexplorado
S02E10 Coisas do Coração
S02E11 Plantão Da Madrugada
S02E12 Espelho, Espelho Meu
S02E13 Fronteiras Difusas
S02E14 Frente Fria
S02E15 Entregue-se
S02E16 O Dilema do Prisioneiro
S02E17 Luto na Segunda-Feira
S02E18 Lição Aprendida
S02E19 Reset
S02E20 Abismo de Gerações
S02E21 Livrai-Nos
S02E22 Borboletas Brancas
S02E23 O Amor Machuca
S03E01 Diga A Sua Verdade
S03E02 Nada a Temer
S03E03 Siga a sua Intuição
S03E04 Comportou-se Bem?
S03E05 Tempestade em Copo D’água
S03E06 Ligaduras de União
S03E07 Águas Turbulentas
S03E08 De Um Limão, Uma Limonada
S03E09 Incertezas
S03E10 Protegida Pela Lei
S03E11 Delírio Compartilhado
S03E12 Nasci Assim
S03E13 Planos Perfeitos
S03E14 Fechem Todas as Saídas
S03E15 O Diabo Disfarçado
S03E16 Uma Verdade Inconveniente
S03E17 Em Família
S03E18 A Hora é Essa
S03E19 Quebra de Confiança
S03E20 Ponto de Virada
S04E01 Be My Better Half
S04E02 When to Let Go (II)
S04E03 Heavy Is the Head
S04E04 Backed Against the Wall
S04E05 What You Don't Know
S04E06 Lesser of Two Evils
S04E07 The Poison Inside Us
S04E08 Play By My Rules
S04E09 Death Do Us Part
S04E10 All the Lonely People
S04E11 Who Can You Trust
S04E12 The Things We Do
S04E13 Ghosts in the Attic
S04E14 Can't Unring That Bell
S04E15 We Hold These Truths
S04E16 Old Flames, New Sparks
S04E17 The Space Between Us
S04E18 Tell Me the Truth
S04E19 Never Let You Go
S04E20 More Harm Than Good
S04E21 Forever Hold Your Peace
S04E22 With a Brave Heart
S05E01 Nada Será Como Antes
S05E02 Um Grande Estímulo
S05E03 No Vale Das Sombras
S05E04 Infecção - Parte 2
S05E05 Você Tem um Amigo em Mim
S05E06 Assuntos de Família
S05E07 Como Será o Amanhã
S05E08 Voando Alto Demais
S05E09 Não Consigo Imaginar o Futuro
S05E10 Acho Que Isso Não Importa Mais
S05E11 Sem Chão Sob os Nossos Pés
S05E12 A Escolha de Salomão
S05E13 Só os Vivos Sentem Dor
S05E14 Isso Não Deve Durar pra Sempre
S05E15 Nunca Causar Dano ou Mal a Alguém
S05E16 Quem Pode Decidir
S05E17 Fantasmas do Passado
S05E18 In the Name of Love
S05E19 Just a River in Egypt
S05E20 A Needle in the Heart
S05E21 "Chicago Med" Episode #5.21
S05E22 "Chicago Med" Episode #5.22
S06E01 When Did We Begin to Change
S06E02 Those Things Hidden in Plain Sight
S06E03 Do You Know the Way Home?
S06E04 In Search of Forgiveness, Not Permission
S06E05 When Your Heart Rules Your Head
S06E06 Don't Want to Face This Now
S06E07 Better Is the Enemy of Good
S06E08 Fathers and Mothers, Daughters and Sons
S06E09 For the Want of a Nail
S06E10 So Many Things We've Kept Buried
S06E11 Letting Go Only to Come Together
S06E12 Some Things Are Worth the Risk
S06E13 What a Tangled Web We Weave
S06E14 A Red Pill, A Blue Pill
S06E15 Stories, Secrets, Half Truths and Lies
S06E16 I Will Come to Save You
S07E01 You Can't Always Trust What You See
S07E02 To Lean In, or to Let Go
S07E03 Seja A Mudança Que Quer Ver
S07E04 O Caos Em Que Vivemos
S07E05 Change Is a Tough Pill to Swallow
S07E06 When You're a Hammer Everything's a Nail
S07E07 A Square Peg in a Round Hole
S07E08 A Vida Continua
S07E09 Secret Santa Has a Gift for You
S07E10 Todo Bem Será Castigado
S07E11 The Things We Thought We Left Behind
S07E12 What You Don't Know Can't Hurt You
S07E13 Realidade Além da Imaginação
S07E14 Tudo Que Poderia Ter Sido
S07E15 Entre A Cruz E A Espada
S07E16 Que As Suas Escolhas Reflitam Esperança, Não Medo
S07E17 Quem Ama, Liberta
S07E18 Não Julgue Para Não Ser Julgado
S07E19 Como Uma Fênix Ressurgindo Das Cinzas
S07E20 No Final Das Contas, Tudo Pode Acontecer
S07E21 Lying Doesn't Protect You From the Truth
S07E22 And Now We Come to the End
S08E01 How Do You Begin to Count the Losses
S08E02 (Caught Between) the Wrecking Ball and the Butterfly
S08E03 Winning the Battle, But Still Losing the War
S08E04 The Apple Doesn't Fall Far from the Teacher
S08E05 Yep, This Is the World We Live In
S08E06 Mama Said There Would Be Days Like This
S08E07 The Clothes Make the Man... Or Do They?
S08E08 Everyone's Fighting a Battle You Know Nothing About
S08E09 This Could Be the Start of Something New
S08E10 A Little Change Might Do You Some Good
S08E11 It Is What It Is, Until It Isn't
S08E12 We All Know What They Say About Assumptions
S08E13 It's an Ill Wind That Blows Nobody Good
S08E14 On Days Like Today... Silver Linings Become Lifelines
S08E15 Those Times You Have to Cross the Line
S08E16 What You See Isn't Always What You Get
S08E17 Know When to Hold and When to Fold
S08E18 I Could See the Writing on the Wall
S08E19 Look Closely and You Might Hear the Truth
S08E20 The Winds of Change Are Starting to Blow
S08E21 Might Feel Like It's Time for a Change
S08E22 Does One Door Close and Another One Open?
S09E01 Row Row Row Your Boat on a Rocky Sea
S09E02 This Town Ain't Big Enough for the Both of Us
S09E03 What Happens in the Dark Always Comes to Light
S09E04 These Are Not the Droids You Are Looking For
S09E05 I Make a Promise, I Will Never Leave You
S09E06 I Told Myself That I Was Done with You
S09E07 Step on a Crack and Break Your Mother's Back
S09E08 A Penny for Your Thoughts, Dollar for Your Dreams
S09E09 Spin a Yarn, Get Stuck in Your Own String
S09E10 You Just Might Find You Get What You Need
S09E11 I Think There Is Something You're Not Telling Me
S09E12 Get By with a Little Help from My Friends
S09E13 I Think I Know You, but Do I Really?
S10E01 Sink or Swim
S10E02 Bite Your Tongue
S10E03 Trust Fall
S10E04 Blurred Lines
S10E05 Bad Habits
S10E06 Forget Me Not
S10E07 Episode #10.7
S10E08 Episode #10.8
S10E09 No Love Lost
S10E10 Broken Hearts
S10E11 In the Trenches (II)
S10E13 Take a Look in the Mirror
S10E14 Acid Test
S10E15 Down in a Hole
S10E17 The Book of Archer
Chicago Med: Atendimento de Emergência - S10E14 Acid Test Chicago Med S10E14 Acid Test 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUX 100% 296 0 6 dias
Chicago Med S10E14 Acid Test 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUXChicago Med S10E14 Acid Test 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUXChicago Med - S10E14 Acid Test 720p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUX 0% 0 0 13 dias
720p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUX720p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUXChicago Med - S10E13 Take a Look in the Mirror Chicago Med S10E13 Take a Look in the Mirror 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUX 100% 570 1 15 dias
Chicago Med S10E13 Take a Look in the Mirror 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUXChicago Med S10E13 Take a Look in the Mirror 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUXChicago Med - S10E13 Take a Look in the Mirror 720p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUX 0% 0 0 17 dias
720p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUX720p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUXChicago Med: Atendimento de Emergência - S10E11 In the Trenches (II) Chicago Med S10E11 In the Trenches Pt 2 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUX 100% 1211 4 aproximadamente 1 mês
Chicago Med S10E11 In the Trenches Pt 2 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUXChicago Med S10E11 In the Trenches Pt 2 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUXChicago Med - S10E11 In the Trenches (II) 720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-FLUX 0% 0 0 aproximadamente 1 mês
720p. AMZN. WEB-DL. DDP5. 1. H. 264-FLUX720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-FLUXChicago Med: Atendimento de Emergência - S10E10 Broken Hearts Chicago Med S10E10 Broken Hearts 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUX 100% 775 1 aproximadamente 1 mês
Chicago Med S10E10 Broken Hearts 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUXChicago Med S10E10 Broken Hearts 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUXChicago Med - S10E10 Broken Hearts 720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-FLUX 0% 0 0 aproximadamente 2 meses
720p. AMZN. WEB-DL. DDP5. 1. H. 264-FLUX720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-FLUXChicago Med - S10E10 Broken Hearts Chicago.Med.S10E10.Broken.Hearts.1080p.HEVC.x265-MeGusta 0% 0 0 aproximadamente 2 meses
Chicago. Med. S10E10. Broken. Hearts. 1080p. HEVC. x265-MeGustaChicago.Med.S10E10.Broken.Hearts.1080p.HEVC.x265-MeGustaChicago Med: Atendimento de Emergência - S10E09 No Love Lost Chicago Med S10E09 No Love Lost 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUX 100% 872 1 aproximadamente 2 meses
Chicago Med S10E09 No Love Lost 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUXChicago Med S10E09 No Love Lost 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-FLUXChicago Med - S10E09 Flipping the Hour Glass Chicago.Med.S10E09.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-FLUX.en[sdh] 0% 0 0 aproximadamente 2 meses
Chicago. Med. S10E09. AMZN. WEB-DL. DDP5. 1. H. 264-FLUX. en[sdh]Chicago.Med.S10E09.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-FLUX.en[sdh]Chicago Med: Atendimento de Emergência - S10E08 Episode #10.8 Chicago.Med.S10E08.720p.HDTV.x264-SYNCOPY[] 0% 342 0 3 meses
Chicago. Med. S10E08. 720p. HDTV. x264-SYNCOPY[EZTVx. to]Chicago.Med.S10E08.720p.HDTV.x264-SYNCOPY[]Chicago Med: Atendimento de Emergência - S10E07 Episode #10.7 Chicago.Med.S10E07.720p.HDTV.x264-SYNCOPY 0% 280 0 3 meses
Chicago. Med. S10E07. 720p. HDTV. x264-SYNCOPYChicago.Med.S10E07.720p.HDTV.x264-SYNCOPYChicago Med: Atendimento de Emergência - S10E08 Episode #10.8 Chicago.Med.S10E08.1080p.WEB.H264-LAZYCUNTS 100% 846 0 3 meses
Chicago. Med. S10E08. 1080p. WEB. H264-LAZYCUNTSChicago.Med.S10E08.1080p.WEB.H264-LAZYCUNTSChicago Med - S10E08 Episode #10.8 Chicago.Med.S10E08.HDTV.x264-TORRENTGALAXY 0% 0 0 4 meses
Chicago. Med. S10E08. HDTV. x264-TORRENTGALAXYChicago.Med.S10E08.HDTV.x264-TORRENTGALAXYChicago Med: Atendimento de Emergência - S10E07 Episode #10.7 100% 902 1 4 meses
chicago. med. s10e07. 1080p. web. Med: Atendimento de Emergência - S10E06 Forget Me Not Chicago.Med.S10E06.720p.HDTV.x264-SYNCOPY 0% 480 0 4 meses
Chicago. Med. S10E06. 720p. HDTV. x264-SYNCOPYChicago.Med.S10E06.720p.HDTV.x264-SYNCOPYChicago Med - S10E07 Episode #10.7 Chicago.Med.S10E07.720p.x265-TiPEX 0% 0 0 4 meses
Chicago. Med. S10E07. 720p. x265-TiPEXChicago.Med.S10E07.720p.x265-TiPEXChicago Med: Atendimento de Emergência - S10E06 Forget Me Not Chicago.Med.S10E06.WEB.H264-LAZYCUNTS 70% 930 1 4 meses
Chicago. Med. S10E06. WEB. H264-LAZYCUNTSChicago.Med.S10E06.WEB.H264-LAZYCUNTSChicago Med - S10E06 Forget Me Not Chicago.Med.S10E06.720p.HDTV.x264-SYNCOPY 100% 0 0 4 meses
Chicago. Med. S10E06. 720p. HDTV. x264-SYNCOPYChicago.Med.S10E06.720p.HDTV.x264-SYNCOPYChicago Med: Atendimento de Emergência - S10E05 Bad Habits Chicago.Med.S10E05.WEB.H264-LAZYCUNTS 100% 934 0 4 meses
Chicago. Med. S10E05. WEB. H264-LAZYCUNTSChicago.Med.S10E05.WEB.H264-LAZYCUNTSChicago Med - S10E03 Trust Fall webrip Kings 0% 0 0 5 meses
webrip Kingswebrip KingsChicago Med: Atendimento de Emergência - S10E04 Blurred Lines Chicago.Med.S10E04.1080p.WEB.H264-LAZYCUNTS 100% 1016 1 5 meses
Chicago. Med. S10E04. 1080p. WEB. H264-LAZYCUNTSChicago.Med.S10E04.1080p.WEB.H264-LAZYCUNTSChicago Med: Atendimento de Emergência - S10E03 Trust Fall Chicago.Med.S10E03.Trust.Fall.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-FLUX 100% 1032 0 5 meses
Chicago. Med. S10E03. Trust. Fall. 1080p. AMZN. WEB-DL. DDP5. 1. H. 264-FLUXChicago.Med.S10E03.Trust.Fall.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-FLUX