1994 - Ocean Girl
Ocean Girl is an Australian science fiction TV series aimed for family audiences and starring Marzena Godecki as the lead character. The show is set in the near future, and focuses on an unusual girl named Neri who lives alone on an island, and the friendships she develops with the inhabitants of an underwater research facility called ORCA. The show is an example of deep ecology science fiction. themoviedb
Ocean Girl subtitles for episodes from season 2
S02E01 The Return
S02E02 Where No Whale Swims
S02E03 Fathers Message
S02E04 Records and Recollections
S02E05 Mera
S02E06 The Institute
S02E07 No Place Like Home
S02E08 Our Island
S02E09 Underwater and Undercover
S02E10 Secrets Out
S02E11 Sabotage
S02E12 The Arrival
S02E13 Return