2000 - CSI : 科学捜査班
Follow the Evidence. Again and Again.
Original title: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
「CSI:科学捜査班」は、欲望が渦巻く街・ラスベガスを舞台に、その市警察にある科学捜査班(CSI=Crime Scene Investigationの略)所属の捜査官たちが、最新科学を駆使した捜査技術でさまざまな凶悪犯罪を解明していく姿を描く。人間的な魅力にあふれた捜査官たち、そして全米各地の警察やFBIも使用しているという本物の“科学捜査”の最新テクニックを毎回1時間の中に凝縮させた傑作ドラマ。 themoviedb
CSI : 科学捜査班 subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Pilot
S01E02 呪いのジャックポット
S01E03 誘拐の罠
S01E04 不倫の果て DNAの証言
S01E05 血しぶきの謎
S01E06 Who Are You?
S01E07 Blood Drops
S01E08 Anonymous
S01E09 Unfriendly Skies
S01E10 死者の悲鳴
S01E11 I-15 Murders
S01E12 逆転無罪 逆転有罪
S01E13 Boom
S01E14 享楽の一夜
S01E15 Table Stakes
S01E16 氏名不詳の女 ジェーン・ドー
S01E17 心の闇 多重人格
S01E18 $35K O.B.O.
S01E19 殺意なき殺人
S01E20 引き裂かれた静寂の闇v
S01E21 悪魔に魅入られた女
S01E22 Evaluation Day
S01E23 解散の危機
S02E01 Burked
S02E02 Chaos Theory
S02E03 Overload
S02E04 Bully for You
S02E05 Scuba Doobie-Doo
S02E06 Alter Boys
S02E07 Caged
S02E08 Slaves of Las Vegas
S02E09 And Then There Were None
S02E10 Ellie
S02E11 Organ Grinder
S02E12 You've Got Male
S02E13 Identity Crisis
S02E14 The Finger
S02E15 Burden of Proof
S02E16 Primum Non Nocere
S02E17 Felonious Monk
S02E18 Chasing The Bus
S02E19 Stalker
S02E20 Cats in the Cradle
S02E21 Anatomy of a Lye
S02E22 Cross Jurisdictions
S02E23 The Hunger Artist
S03E01 ギャンブラーの切り札
S03E02 科学捜査班の失敗
S03E03 Let the Seller Beware
S03E04 A Little Murder
S03E05 父と子と精霊と
S03E06 死刑執行停止
S03E07 Fight Night
S03E08 Snuff
S03E09 流血のストリート
S03E10 翼の折れたイカロス
S03E11 Recipe for Murder
S03E12 捨てられた目
S03E13 グリッソムとの対立
S03E14 狙われた部屋
S03E15 Lady Heather's Box
S03E16 一攫千金の亡者達
S03E17 憎しみのパズル
S03E18 機械じかけの殺意
S03E19 見知らぬ観客
S03E20 Last Laugh
S03E21 黒衣のジュリエット
S03E22 傷だらけのCSI
S03E23 封印された過去
S04E01 Assume Nothing (1)
S04E02 狂気の仕置き人
S04E03 Homebodies
S04E04 Feeling the Heat
S04E05 心優しき獣たち
S04E06 Jackpot
S04E07 Invisible Evidence
S04E08 殺さずにいられない
S04E09 愛の毒薬
S04E10 歪んだ果実
S04E11 地獄の12人
S04E12 Butterflied
S04E13 牙を持つ人々
S04E14 Paper or Plastic
S04E15 盛者心衰
S04E16 向こうの世界を見た女
S04E17 ベビーガールのドクロ
S04E18 骨の音
S04E19 Bad Words
S04E20 警官たちの饗宴
S04E21 Turn of the Screws
S04E22 潰れた手
S04E23 Bloodlines
S05E01 Viva Las Vegas
S05E02 Down the Drain
S05E03 Harvest
S05E04 Crow's Feet
S05E05 Swap Meet
S05E06 青の衝撃
S05E07 Formalities
S05E08 Ch-Ch-Changes
S05E09 Mea Culpa
S05E10 No Humans Involved
S05E11 Who Shot Sherlock?
S05E12 Snakes
S05E13 Nesting Dolls
S05E14 Unbearable
S05E15 King Baby
S05E16 Big Middle
S05E17 Compulsion
S05E18 Spark of Life
S05E19 冷たい街
S05E20 Hollywood Brass
S05E21 Committed
S05E22 Weeping Willows
S05E23 Iced
S05E24 Grave Danger (1)
S05E25 Grave Danger (2)
S06E01 Bodies in Motion
S06E02 夢の途中
S06E03 Bite Me
S06E04 Shooting Stars
S06E05 Gum Drops
S06E06 Secrets and Flies
S06E07 A Bullet Runs Through It (1)
S06E08 銃弾のカオス・後編
S06E09 Dog Eat Dog
S06E10 Still Life
S06E11 Werewolves
S06E12 Daddy's Little Girl
S06E13 Kiss-Kiss, Bye-Bye
S06E14 Killer
S06E15 怒りの鞭
S06E16 Up In Smoke
S06E17 I Like To Watch
S06E18 The Unusual Suspect
S06E19 Spellbound
S06E20 Poppin' Tags
S06E21 悪魔のブライズメイド
S06E22 Time Of Your Death
S06E23 Bang-Bang (1)
S06E24 Way To Go (2)
S07E01 Built To Kill (1)
S07E02 Built To Kill (2)
S07E03 Toe Tags
S07E04 Fannysmackin'
S07E05 Double-Cross
S07E06 Burn Out
S07E07 宣戦布告
S07E08 Happenstance
S07E09 Living Legend
S07E10 Loco Motives
S07E11 Leaving Las Vegas
S07E12 Sweet Jane
S07E13 Redrum
S07E14 Meet Market
S07E15 Law of Gravity
S07E16 Monster in the Box
S07E17 Fallen Idols
S07E18 Empty Eyes
S07E19 Big Shots
S07E20 Lab Rats
S07E21 Ending Happy
S07E22 Leapin' Lizards
S07E23 The Good, the Bad, and the Dominatrix
S07E24 Living Doll
S08E01 Dead Doll
S08E02 暗闇の快感
S08E03 蜜蜂の死
S08E04 The Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp
S08E05 本当になったホラー映画
S08E06 絆に飢えた狼
S08E07 Goodbye and Good Luck
S08E08 You Kill Me
S08E09 アル・カポネの椅子
S08E10 Lying Down With Dogs
S08E11 Bull
S08E12 Grissom's Divine Comedy
S08E13 A Thousand Days on Earth
S08E14 二階の出来事
S08E15 The Theory of Everything
S08E16 Two and a Half Deaths
S08E17 For Gedda
S09E01 For Warrick
S09E02 The Happy Place
S09E03 Art Imitates Life
S09E04 Let it Bleed
S09E05 Leave out All the Rest
S09E06 Say Uncle
S09E07 Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda
S09E08 Young Man with a Horn
S09E09 CSI-19 down
S09E10 One to Go
S09E11 The Grave Shift
S09E12 Disarmed and Dangerous
S09E13 Deep Fried and Minty Fresh
S09E14 Miscarriage of Justice
S09E15 Kill Me If You Can
S09E16 Turn, Turn, Turn
S09E17 No Way Out
S09E18 Mascara
S09E19 The Descent of Man
S09E20 A Space Oddity
S09E21 If I Had A Hammer
S09E22 The Gone Dead Train
S09E23 Hog Heaven
S09E24 All In
S10E01 Family Affair
S10E02 Ghost Town
S10E03 Working Stiffs
S10E04 Coup de Grace
S10E05 Bloodsport
S10E06 Death and the Maiden
S10E07 The Lost Girls (III)
S10E08 Lover's Lanes
S10E09 Appendicitement
S10E10 Better Off Dead
S10E11 Sin City Blue
S10E12 Long Ball
S10E13 Internal Combustion
S10E14 Unshockable
S10E15 Neverland
S10E16 The Panty Sniffer
S10E17 Irradiator
S10E18 Field Mice
S10E19 World's End
S10E20 Take My Life, Please!
S10E21 Lost & Found
S10E22 Doctor Who
S10E23 Meat Jekyll
S11E01 Shock Waves
S11E02 Pool Shark
S11E03 Blood Moon
S11E04 Sqweegel
S11E05 House of Hoarders
S11E06 Cold Blooded
S11E07 Bump and Grind
S11E08 Fracked
S11E09 Wild Life
S11E10 アンバーアラート
S11E11 スリーメン&ボディ
S11E12 腐った桃にキスを
S11E13 愛のことば
S11E14 All That Cremains
S11E15 Targets of Obsession
S11E16 ウォーキング・デッドマン
S11E17 魔性のリスト
S11E18 Hitting for the Cycle
S11E19 Unleashed
S11E20 Father Of The Bride (1)
S11E21 Cello and Goodbye (2)
S11E22 バーニングアウト
S11E22 バーニングアウト
S12E01 73 Seconds
S12E02 Tell-Tale Hearts
S12E03 Bittersweet
S12E04 ゲッダの日記
S12E05 CSI Down
S12E06 苦痛の女王
S12E07 脳の落とし物
S12E08 Crime After Crime
S12E09 Zippered
S12E10 神聖なベッドルーム
S12E10 神聖なベッドルーム
S12E11 Ms. Willows Regrets... (1)
S12E12 Willows in the Wind (2)
S12E13 ミューズな死体
S12E14 血の方程式
S12E15 ドクロの家
S12E16 ラスベガス大停電
S12E17 Trends with Benefits
S12E18 Malice in Wonderland
S12E19 Split Decisions
S12E20 Altered Stakes
S12E21 ドリーマー
S12E22 Homecoming
S13E01 Karma To Burn
S13E02 Code Blue Plate Special
S13E03 Wild Flowers
S13E04 It Was a Very Good Year
S13E05 Play Dead
S13E06 Pick and Roll
S13E07 Fallen Angels
S13E08 CSI on Fire
S13E09 Strip Maul
S13E10 Risky Business Class
S13E11 Dead Air
S13E12 Double Fault
S13E13 In Vino Veritas
S13E14 Exile
S13E15 Forget Me Not
S13E16 Last Woman Standing
S13E17 Dead of the Class
S13E18 Sheltered
S13E19 Backfire
S13E20 Fearless
S13E21 Ghosts of the Past
S13E22 Skin in the Game
S14E01 The Devil and D.B. Russell
S14E02 Take the Money and Run
S14E03 Torch Song
S14E04 Last Supper
S14E05 Frame by Frame
S14E06 Passed Pawns
S14E07 Under a Cloud
S14E08 Helpless
S14E09 Check In and Check Out
S14E10 Girls Gone Wild
S14E11 The Lost Reindeer
S14E12 Keep Calm and Carry-On
S14E13 Boston Brakes
S14E14 De Los Muertos
S14E15 Love for Sale
S14E16 Killer Moves
S14E17 Long Road Home
S14E18 Uninvited
S14E19 The Fallen
S14E20 Consumed
S14E21 Kitty
S14E22 Dead in His Tracks
S15E01 The CSI Effect
S15E02 Buzz Kill
S15E03 Bad Blood
S15E04 The Book of Shadows
S15E05 Girls Gone Wilder
S15E06 The Twin Paradox
S15E07 Road to Recovery
S15E08 生きた人形
S15E09 容疑者は2000人
S15E10 カモりカモられ
S15E11 Angle of Attack
S15E12 記憶の森
S15E13 放たれた双子
S15E14 殺人鬼人気No.1
S15E15 Hero to Zero
S15E16 光る女
S15E17 サソリの巣窟
S15E18 別れの夜
S15E20 "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" Immortality: Part 2