2006 - Metalocalypse
The Metalocalypse has Begun
Metalocalypse is an American animated television series, created by Brendon Small and Tommy Blacha, which premiered on August 6, 2006 on Adult Swim. The television program centers around the larger than life death metal band Dethklok, and often portrays dark and macabre content, including such subjects as violence, death, and the drawbacks of fame, with extremely hyperbolic black humor; which accounts for the cartoon's consistent TV-MA rating. The show can be seen as both a parody and celebration of heavy metal culture. The music, written by guitarist/creator Brendon Small, is credited to the band, and is featured in most of the episodes. The animation is often carefully synced to the music, with the chord positions and fingering of the guitar parts shown in some detail. One of the trademarks of the show is having the usual "bleeps" for extreme profanity replaced by pinch harmonics. themoviedb
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Metalocalypse subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 The Curse of Dethklok
S01E02 Dethwater
S01E03 Happy Dethday (a.k.a. Birthdayface)
S01E04 Dethtroll
S01E05 Dethkomedy
S01E06 Dethfam
S01E07 Performance Klok
S01E08 Snakes N' Barrels
S01E09 Mordland
S01E10 Fat Kid at the Detharmonic (a.k.a. FatKlok)
S01E11 Skwisklok
S01E12 Murdering Outside The Box
S01E13 Go Forth and Die
S01E14 Bluesklok
S01E15 Religionklok
S01E16 Dethkids
S01E17 Dethclown
S01E18 Girlfriendklok
S01E19 Dethstars
S01E20 The Metalocalypse Has Begun
S02E01 Dethecution
S02E02 Dethlessons
S02E03 Dethvengeance
S02E04 Dethdoubles
S02E05 Dethfashion
S02E06 Cleanzo
S02E07 Dethwedding
S02E08 PR Pickles
S02E09 Dethcarraldo
S02E10 Dethgov
S02E11 Dethrace
S02E12 Revengencers
S02E13 Klokblocked
S02E14 Dethsources
S02E15 Dethdad
S02E16 Snakes N Barrels II (1)
S02E17 Snakes N Barrels II (2)
S02E18 Dethrecord
S02E19 Dethrelease (1)
S02E20 Dethrelease (2)
S03E01 RenovationKlok
S03E02 TributeKlok
S03E03 Dethhealth
S03E04 Dethmas
S03E05 FatherKlok
S03E06 Fertilityklok
S03E07 Dethsiduals
S03E08 Rehabklok
S03E09 Dethzazz
S03E10 Doublebookedklok
S04E01 Fanklok
S04E02 Diversityklok
S04E03 Prankklok
S04E04 Motherklok
S04E05 Bookklok
S04E06 Writersklok
S04E07 Dethcamp
S04E08 Dethvanity
S04E09 Going Downklok
S04E10 Dethdinner
S04E11 Breakup Klok
S04E12 Church of the Black Klok
Metalocalypse - S04E12 Church of the Black Klok Church of the Black Klok 0% 71 0 oltre 5 anni
Church of the Black KlokChurch of the Black KlokMetalocalypse - S04E11 "Metalocalypse" Breakup Klok Breakup Klok 0% 56 0 oltre 5 anni
Breakup KlokBreakup KlokMetalocalypse - S04E10 Dethdinner Dethdinner 0% 68 0 oltre 5 anni
DethdinnerDethdinnerMetalocalypse - S04E09 Going Downklok Going Downklok 0% 61 0 oltre 5 anni
Going DownklokGoing DownklokMetalocalypse - S04E08 "Metalocalypse" Dethvanity Dethvanity 0% 55 0 oltre 5 anni
DethvanityDethvanityMetalocalypse - S04E07 Dethcamp Dethcamp 0% 69 0 oltre 5 anni
DethcampDethcampMetalocalypse - S04E06 Writersklok Writersklok 0% 67 0 oltre 5 anni
WritersklokWritersklokMetalocalypse - S04E05 Bookklok Bookklok 0% 67 0 oltre 5 anni
BookklokBookklokMetalocalypse - S04E04 Motherklok Motherklok 0% 70 0 oltre 5 anni
MotherklokMotherklokMetalocalypse - S04E03 Prankklok Prankklok 0% 66 0 oltre 5 anni
PrankklokPrankklokMetalocalypse - S04E02 "Metalocalypse" Diversityklok Diversityklok 0% 59 0 oltre 5 anni
DiversityklokDiversityklokMetalocalypse - S04E01 Fanklok Fanklok 0% 71 0 oltre 5 anni
FanklokFanklokMetalocalypse - S03E10 Doublebookedklok Doublebookedklok 0% 71 0 oltre 5 anni
DoublebookedklokDoublebookedklokMetalocalypse - S03E09 Dethzazz Dethzazz 0% 70 0 oltre 5 anni
DethzazzDethzazzMetalocalypse - S03E08 Rehabklok Rehabklok 0% 75 0 oltre 5 anni
RehabklokRehabklokMetalocalypse - S03E07 "Metalocalypse" Dethsiduals Dethsiduals 0% 57 0 oltre 5 anni
DethsidualsDethsidualsMetalocalypse - S03E06 Fertilityklok Fertilityklok 0% 70 0 oltre 5 anni
FertilityklokFertilityklokMetalocalypse - S03E05 FatherKlok FatherKlok 0% 69 0 oltre 5 anni
FatherKlokFatherKlokMetalocalypse - S03E04 Dethmas Dethmas 0% 70 0 oltre 5 anni
DethmasDethmas金属启示录 - S03E03 Dethhealth Dethhealth 0% 71 0 oltre 5 anni
DethhealthDethhealthMetalocalypse - S03E02 TributeKlok TributeKlok 0% 70 0 oltre 5 anni
TributeKlokTributeKlokMetalocalypse - S03E01 RenovationKlok RenovationKlok 0% 65 0 oltre 5 anni
RenovationKlokRenovationKlokMetalocalypse - S02E19 Dethrelease (1) Dethrelease 0% 69 0 oltre 5 anni
DethreleaseDethreleaseMetalocalypse - S02E18 Dethrecord Dethrecord 0% 76 0 oltre 5 anni