1990 - Twin Peaks
A town where everyone knows everyone and nothing is what it seems.
A kis északnyugat-washingtoni kisváros, Twin Peaks élete teljesen felfordul, miután a folyóparton egy műanyag zsákban megtalálják a gimis szépségkirálynő Laura Palmer holttestét. Miután Laura egyik iskolatársa, Ronette Pulaski kómába esik, Dale Cooper különleges ügynököt bízzák meg az esetek felderítésével. Cooper szerint Laura halála kapcsolatban állhat egy Theresa Banks nevű lány egy évvel korábbi halálával. Cooper Laura egyik körme alatt felfedez egy kis darab papírt, melyen egy R betű áll. Elmondja Truman seriffnek, hogy Theresa Banks körme alatt egy T betűt talált. Nincs kétség, ugyanaz a gyilkos... themoviedb
Kapcsolódó linkek
Twin Peaks subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Pilot
S01E02 Traces to Nowhere
S01E03 Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer
S01E04 Rest In Pain
S01E05 The One-Armed Man
S01E06 Cooper's Dreams
S01E07 Realization Time
S01E08 Az utolsó éjszaka
S02E01 Az óriás legyen veled
S02E02 Kóma
S02E03 Férfi az üveg mögött
S02E04 Laura's Secret Diary
S02E05 Az orchidea átka
S02E06 Demons
S02E07 Lonely Souls
S02E08 Kocsikázás egy halott lánnyal
S02E09 Önkényes jog
S02E10 Dispute Between Brothers
S02E11 Álarcosbál
S02E12 The Black Widow
S02E13 Checkmate
S02E14 Double Play
S02E15 Szolgák és mestereik
S02E16 The Condemned Woman
S02E17 Sebek és sebhelyek
S02E18 On the Wings of Love
S02E19 Variációk kapcsolatokra
S02E20 The Path to the Black Lodge
S02E21 Miss Twin Peaks
S02E22 Életen és halálon túl
S03E01 A tuskómnak üzenete van számodra
S03E02 Keringenek a csillagok, és eljön a megfelelő pillanat
S03E03 Hívj segítséget!
S03E04 Előtörtek a régi emlékek
S03E05 Akták
S03E06 Ne halj meg!
S03E07 De még micsoda holttest!
S03E08 Van tüze?
S03E09 Ez az a szék
S03E10 Laura a kulcs
S03E11 Tűz vár rád ott, ahová tartasz
S03E12 Csapjunk bele!
S03E13 Miféle mese az enyém, Charlie?
S03E14 Olyanok vagyunk, mint az álmodó
S03E15 De mégis félek attól, ami most következik
S03E16 Kopogás nélkül
S03E17 A jövőt a múlt szabja meg
S03E18 Önt hogy hívják?
Twin Peaks - S02E13 Checkmate Twin.Peaks.S02E13.Checkmate.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DON 0% 23 0 majdnem 4 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E13. Checkmate. 720p. BluRay. DD5. 1. x264-DONTwin.Peaks.S02E13.Checkmate.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DONTwin Peaks - S01E07 Realization Time Twin Peaks [1x07] The Last Evening 0% 62 0 több, mint 5 éve
Twin Peaks [1x07] The Last EveningTwin Peaks [1x07] The Last EveningTwin Peaks - S02E21 Miss Twin Peaks Twin.Peaks.S02E21.The.Night.of.the.Decision.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 153 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E21. The. Night. of. the. Decision. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E21.The.Night.of.the.Decision.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S02E20 The Path to the Black Lodge 0% 120 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E20. The. Path. to. the. Black. Lodge. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. Peaks - S02E19 Variációk kapcsolatokra Twin.Peaks.S02E19.Variations.and.Relations.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 179 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E19. Variations. and. Relations. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E19.Variations.and.Relations.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S02E18 On the Wings of Love Twin.Peaks.S02E18.On.the.Wings.of.Love.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 158 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E18. On. the. Wings. of. Love. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E18.On.the.Wings.of.Love.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S02E17 Wounds and Scars Twin.Peaks.S02E17.Wounds.and.Scars.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 158 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E17. Wounds. and. Scars. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E17.Wounds.and.Scars.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S02E16 The Condemned Woman Twin.Peaks.S02E16.The.Condemned.Woman.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 167 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E16. The. Condemned. Woman. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E16.The.Condemned.Woman.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S02E15 Szolgák és mestereik Twin.Peaks.S02E15.Slaves.and.Masters.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 172 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E15. Slaves. and. Masters. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E15.Slaves.and.Masters.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S02E14 Double Play Twin.Peaks.S02E14.Double.Play.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 168 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E14. Double. Play. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E14.Double.Play.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S02E13 Checkmate Twin.Peaks.S02E13.Checkmate.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 156 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E13. Checkmate. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E13.Checkmate.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S02E12 The Black Widow Twin.Peaks.S02E12.The.Black.Widow.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 306 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E12. The. Black. Widow. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E12.The.Black.Widow.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S02E11 Masked Ball Twin.Peaks.S02E11.Masked.Ball.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 171 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E11. Masked. Ball. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E11.Masked.Ball.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S02E10 Dispute Between Brothers Twin.Peaks.S02E10.Dispute.Between.Brothers.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 189 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E10. Dispute. Between. Brothers. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E10.Dispute.Between.Brothers.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S02E09 Arbitrary Law Twin.Peaks.S02E09.Arbitrary.Law.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 196 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E09. Arbitrary. Law. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E09.Arbitrary.Law.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S02E08 Drive with a Dead Girl Twin.Peaks.S02E08.Drive.with.a.Dead.Girl.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 189 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E08. Drive. with. a. Dead. Girl. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E08.Drive.with.a.Dead.Girl.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S02E07 Lonely Souls Twin.Peaks.S02E07.Lonely.Souls.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 199 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E07. Lonely. Souls. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E07.Lonely.Souls.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S02E06 Demons Twin.Peaks.S02E06.Demons.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 197 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E06. Demons. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E06.Demons.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S02E05 The Orchid's Curse Twin.Peaks.S02E05.The.Orchid's.Curse.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 186 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E05. The. Orchids. Curse. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E05.The.Orchids.Curse.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S02E04 Laura's Secret Diary Twin.Peaks.S02E04.Laura's.Secret.Diary.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 201 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E04. Lauras. Secret. Diary. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E04.Lauras.Secret.Diary.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S02E03 The Man Behind the Glass Twin.Peaks.S02E03.The.Man.Behind.the.Glass.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 184 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E03. The. Man. Behind. the. Glass. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E03.The.Man.Behind.the.Glass.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S02E02 Kóma Twin.Peaks.S02E02.Coma.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 220 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E02. Coma. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E02.Coma.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S02E01 Az óriás legyen veled Twin.Peaks.S02E01.May.the.Giant.Be.with.You.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 260 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S02E01. May. the. Giant. Be. with. You. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S02E01.May.the.Giant.Be.with.You.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSATwin Peaks - S01E08 Az utolsó éjszaka Twin.Peaks.S01E08.The.Last.Evening.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 259 0 kb. 7 éve
Twin. Peaks. S01E08. The. Last. Evening. 1080p. 10bit. BluRay. 6CH. x265. HEVC-PSATwin.Peaks.S01E08.The.Last.Evening.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA